a1234321 t1_itwqpw5 wrote
Reply to comment by Anxious_Aide_2091 in driving tests by isachalsen-
Since we're on the backing up topic (you won't do this on your driver's test) everyone should learn the backing up a trailer trick where you hold the steering wheel upside down.
a1234321 t1_itwqcpf wrote
Reply to driving tests by isachalsen-
I took mine in Tamworth, but as for general tips and it's been so long since I learned how to drive so forgive me if I'm being a "no shit" kind of person, but:
Do you know the parallel parking trick with aligning mirrors? If not Google it and that's how you parallel park. Dummy easy.
Make sure your e-brake is odd (had a friend do it with it on the entire time)
Make sure you learn the 4 way stop order (Google FIFO stack)
Avoid roundabouts. Full on experienced drivers become dumbasses on those.
If you can choose your route try to choose it so you only need to take right turns. Turning left across traffic is much more difficult than turning right with traffic.
a1234321 t1_itwor3p wrote
Highschool rankings are pretty garbage unless you're looking at the absolute top or bottom.
Any of the middle of the road schools aren't going to be appreciably different.
It honestly mostly comes down to the kid and the parents. Schools don't do a lot for kids unless they have passionate, rockstar teachers and those are generally in the top schools.
a1234321 t1_itjnwkp wrote
Reply to comment by Johnny_Grubbonic in The cutting-edge cellular therapies aiming to ease America's organ shortage. Major transplantation surgeries could one day become outpatient procedures. by Sariel007
Pretty sure maggots are still used to clean some wounds, too.
a1234321 t1_it9kfy8 wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Dr. Tom Sherman vows to legalize weed by Final_Act6703
Get off reddit and touch some fuckin grass lol. Not everything is political.
I just strongly believe the state is waiting to legalize weed so they can tax it like they do liquor.
Take your assumptions with you when you fuck off.
Relevant username tho. At least the second half.
a1234321 t1_it999f6 wrote
Reply to comment by Wear_Overall in Passenger examining car damage from bear strike killed in crash on NH road by rabblebowser
You really gonna complain about a possessive s?
Don't you have better things to do?
a1234321 t1_it991ct wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Dr. Tom Sherman vows to legalize weed by Final_Act6703
It passed the legislator because they knew the governor would vote it down.
a1234321 t1_it98z7p wrote
Reply to comment by Rolling_Beardo in Dr. Tom Sherman vows to legalize weed by Final_Act6703
Downvote me all you want, watch and see.
I'd love it to pass but I won't believe it until I see it.
a1234321 t1_it5fcm7 wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpyyyyy in moving to NH advice & tips? by leetlenoodlehorse
My cousin couldn't find a 1 bedroom at that price in Dover back in 2015. My 650sq ft place in Portsmouth was $1600 a month and that was a steal.
a1234321 t1_it5f5uk wrote
Reply to moving to NH advice & tips? by leetlenoodlehorse
How old are you? Are you single? Do you have a family? kids?
All of these things matter.
$1100/mo without roommates for anywhere that's "good" is an insane pipedream, tbh. Maybe some dingy apartments in Somersworth?
Zillow and FB marketplace would be a good place to start.
You can try the white mountain (Conway) area. It would probably check your boxes. I grew up there but idk what the prices are these days.
a1234321 t1_it5e1ba wrote
Reply to Dr. Tom Sherman vows to legalize weed by Final_Act6703
And I vow to end world hunger.
I don't care what he "vows." The state won't pass it until its federally legal.
It's all grandstanding.
Edit: y'all naive as shit lol
a1234321 t1_it5dupj wrote
Reply to ENOUGH!!!!! by lizzybnh
I find it funny that its always Bolduc followed by Hassan or visa versa.
Just squirting out ads hoping someone cares without any nuance on the content being aired potentially targeting their demographic.
a1234321 t1_it46dli wrote
Reply to Need tips for an upcoming trip by immerwanderlust
Unfortunately gonna have to parrot the others here. Foliage is going fast.
It's been raining leaves over the last few days. We've already had a couple frosty nights and that's usually the death knell for the colors.
a1234321 t1_it45yj7 wrote
Reply to I really hate the Portsmouth circle roundabout by fjphil
I do, too. The one in Lee is pretty awful, too.
a1234321 t1_isuuxlp wrote
Reply to Catering recommendations by Mindless-Spend-2972
My friend had Barrio and Portsmouth cater an event and it was solid. I'm not sure how much the catering was exactly but it was for around that many people and he said everything for the event ended up being around 10k, so it sounds like it might be right around your price range.
a1234321 t1_isukz6a wrote
Reply to comment by NewHampshireAngle in Looking at relocating to Berlin, NH. by Sufficient-Voice-210
It's definitely gotten a lot better over the last decade or so
a1234321 t1_istu1tv wrote
Hooooo boy.
I was born in Berlin (I'm 32) and spent a good chunk of my childhood up there. Have family friends up there but all my family from there are either dead or moved.
It's inexpensive. It's depressing.
Beautiful area and the OHRV vehicles on the road is helping. The mill being reopened as a biofuel plant has been good for the area, too.
I think it's slowly growing again, but.... Yeah. You gotta really have a reason to live there.
a1234321 t1_ists7wi wrote
I don't know of any in particular, but try googling for costume contests, might find one.
Going out in a college town on Halloween is an easy way, too. You're still in the right age demographic
a1234321 t1_istpgoz wrote
Reply to Has anyone else caught a fall cold lately? NH seems like it's lighting up at the moment. by deadpeasant2
Flu season starts in October
a1234321 t1_isl4k6k wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in Spaulding turnpike = Spaulding raceway? by [deleted]
93 is the absolute worst for this.
I'll be going 70 and people will be tailgating me in the right lane.
a1234321 t1_isl0r5a wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in When is the best time for fall foliage at Lake Winnipesaukee? by preciousbane213
Id say peak is right now around rt 4.
Cruised down some back roads in Epsom earlier today and it was perfect.
a1234321 t1_iskzxmk wrote
Reply to Summit resort in laconia- any one know what is behind the "quiet Title" kegal action by Competitive_Bit_1455
Like the pelvic floor exercises?
I strongly encourage everyone to participate in those. Extremely healthy.
a1234321 t1_isfiigy wrote
Reply to comment by TJsName in Annual Water Testing mailer by bassboat1
How is the dug well life? I've always had a drilled one.
a1234321 t1_iscabf1 wrote
Reply to comment by TJsName in Annual Water Testing mailer by bassboat1
If you live in a town with a brewery it can't hurt to ask if they'd be willing to share their water report, since they get one every year.
a1234321 t1_iu0uwon wrote
Reply to comment by bonez3113 in Man on meth arrested for burglary after found in home with ax, Seabrook police say by rabblebowser
It's always so weird watching people cream themselves over a chance to murder someone.