
a1234321 t1_irx52r0 wrote

We use our wood stove as supplemental heat. It's great. Keeps the livingroom nice and warm but the bedrooms nice and cool for sleeping.

Our house came with an electric heater built into the bathroom that we thought was silly at first but turning that onto like 70 an hour before showering is such a luxury in the winter lol.


a1234321 t1_irx4pmq wrote

I keep my thermostat exactly where my fiancee wants it. I think we're at 64 right now.

I'm great in the cold but I'm not going to try to prove a point by keeping my house uncomfortable.


a1234321 t1_irx1pur wrote

Can't help ya, I always drive when I'm up in Milan.

Maybe search in Bethel/Newry since that's the biggest close tourist industry with Sunday River. Might have more options for rides.

All this being said... You said you had money to spend. You're going to spend it.

It's not going to be cheap. It's probably going to be a couple hundred dollars.


a1234321 t1_irdi5bh wrote

Gen X is gonna be the last one before meaningful change, not boomers imo.

I'm 32 and my parents are in their mid 50s. All of my father's friends are around his age and are in trades.

My generation was sold on college being the way to "break the cycle." Definitely felt that way in NH. Go to college, don't become a townie. That was the vibe.

Now we're adults and Gen Z / Gen A are using us as a guiding light similar to how we used Gen X and Boomers. But that's not trades.

GenZ/GenA are pushing back pretty damn hard on what work looks like, and they don't really seem to give a shit what older people think (more power to them).

You don't swim after a boat that's already sailed. You build a new boat.

GI Generation and the Silent Generation built the boat. Boomers got on the boat. Gen X and Millennials swam after it.


a1234321 t1_ir227i9 wrote

When I was in college I went to Toys in the Attic and there was a group of people playing a Magic the Gathering tournament and they were watching some lady screaming and throwing plates out of her apartment and some guy.

Good stuff.

It's gotten better over the last few years though.