
aajval t1_iufzbfd wrote

What happens when you spray raid in the kitchen , they go to the living room. It would be nice if instead of announcing they just told us the following day or following week how effective they were at catching them in the act and arresting them. Right now a bunch of criminals or reorganizing their calender for the week. What happened to the element of surprise . I hope if I call you on a domestic dispute you don’t call the person I’m Complaining about and let him Know you are on your way. I’m happy you are going into the subway system but if you have no arrest, then I know the criminals are lurking outside more then ever. Perhaps you can have police on standby in key areas outside and when a crime happens, instead of sending 13 police officers send 2 or 4 and perhaps some of those people sitting around the precinct that are not officers to join them if necessary just so that there is a larger presence. They can just sit in the car if necessary. A more practical solution would be to concentrate on feeding the poor and cracking down on all illegal motorist . Implementing a law that any crime committed using any type of vehicle would be grounds for permanent seizure of those vehicles. These people are committing crimes on these bicycles and scooters with no license plates on them. They are almost impossible to catch even if robbery happened in the presence of police because they escape going up one way streets through traffic which police cars cannot travel through as quickly which is why there are so many of them. One time I was at the gas station a bunch of those bikes showed up, perhaps that’s a good place to get them. Focus on the larger gas stations so that they would be forced to drive further which can make things more uncomfortable for them and provide you with strategic places where you can do a check point which won’t be a violation of there rights since everyone is required to have license plates.