I'm enjoying it. It's kinda predcictable but I am watching it for Milo. Also!! So funny that actress who (spoiler) stole the crypto is a bad guy here (Should have guessed Rose-JTV-would habe been. I wished they made her do a pun!), wonder if she'll return. I hope the show isn't cancelled.
aangita t1_j9n5ub8 wrote
Reply to Sunday Ratings: The Debut of ABC Drama ‘The Company You Keep’ Left at the Starting Gate by mar5526
I'm enjoying it. It's kinda predcictable but I am watching it for Milo. Also!! So funny that actress who (spoiler) stole the crypto is a bad guy here (Should have guessed Rose-JTV-would habe been. I wished they made her do a pun!), wonder if she'll return. I hope the show isn't cancelled.