aceman97 t1_jcr6q32 wrote
I have struggled with this feeling for the last 5 years. As I say, “I did nothing and, more importantly, it meant nothing”. I have been unable to shake it. Hopefully you will have success in shaking how you feel.
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo.
aceman97 t1_j99vife wrote
Please don’t listen to this guy. He sells snake oil. Most of his advice is really bad. He is selling books not investment advice.
aceman97 t1_jcr6qix wrote
Reply to [discussion] What helps you combat the “I’m wasting my life” mentality? by brooke512744
I have struggled with this feeling for the last 5 years. As I say, “I did nothing and, more importantly, it meant nothing”. I have been unable to shake it. Hopefully you will have success in shaking how you feel.
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo.