ackermann t1_j2xw8hh wrote
Reply to comment by ackermann in Self-driving stroller aims to reduce parents’ stress – at cost of £2,700 by diacewrb
Like this maybe? But electric, and slow for safety:
Or this, where you stand on a separate platform and get pulled:
ackermann t1_j2xw1c1 wrote
Reply to comment by MadLintElf in Self-driving stroller aims to reduce parents’ stress – at cost of £2,700 by diacewrb
It certainly doesn’t need to be self driving. But motorized wouldn’t hurt. Give tired parents a rest from walking. Perhaps where the adult can stand on the back axle, like those standing lawnmowers that have become popular.
ackermann t1_j255mjh wrote
Reply to comment by Myopic_Cat in Every planet in the solar system visible in rare "planet parade" by scot816
Yeah, shouldn’t this last a few days, at least? Maybe even a week?
Mercury and Venus are the only ones that move particularly fast. And even they won’t move too far in a day or two.
ackermann t1_j1xsobz wrote
Reply to comment by skunkadelic in Kids realize what you did for them and appreciate it once they have kids of their own. Spouses or SOs don’t realize or appreciate it until you’re gone. by Yourfaceis-23
Especially when she’s out of town for a work trip.
Even if they’re only gone a few days, you can gain a new appreciation
ackermann t1_j1cuy9q wrote
Reply to comment by Makhnos_Tachanka in Northrop Grumman clears key hurdle for space-based solar power by PhyneasPhysicsPhrog
> need big ass antennas covering a lot of area to collect the power
Though presumably smaller than the area of solar panels you’d need on the ground, to collect the same amount of power from the sun directly. Otherwise, it would largely defeat the purpose, of course.
ackermann t1_j0alkrx wrote
Reply to comment by Mud_Landry in Fusion energy breakthrough and national security implications explained by TheScienceAdvocate
Oh cool, Israel is actually building a thorium reactor? You always hear about them, but I didn’t know anyone was actually working on it…
ackermann t1_j0alhje wrote
Reply to comment by NickBarksWith in Fusion energy breakthrough and national security implications explained by TheScienceAdvocate
Eh, if nothing else, suitable land has already been cleared and leveled. Large power distribution lines in place. That much can be reused. Cooling water available on site, if fusion reactors need that?
ackermann t1_j09kz3q wrote
Reply to comment by radicalceleryjuice in Fusion energy breakthrough and national security implications explained by TheScienceAdvocate
Fission reactors could help, in the meantime
ackermann t1_j08b62v wrote
Reply to comment by Robo-Connery in National Ignition Facility (NIF) announces net positive energy fusion experiment by Robo-Connery
Cool thanks! So magnetic confinement devices do have continuous fusion then, unlike NIF style devices?
ackermann t1_j05hyvx wrote
Reply to comment by Robo-Connery in National Ignition Facility (NIF) announces net positive energy fusion experiment by Robo-Connery
Thanks! So, a basic question. Would a hypothetical large scale, commercial reactor work with a series of discrete pulses, or “shots”? Eg, fusion wouldn’t be happening continuously, but in pulses?
I imagine this would make them safer than fission reactors. If the reaction isn’t continuous, then it can’t “runaway” out of control, or melt down, right?
ackermann t1_izh92ix wrote
Reply to comment by joekak in The technological singularity is happening (oc/opinion) by FrogsEverywhere
I’d be curious to know how the presence or absence of an internal monologue correlates with various life outcomes, intelligence, spatial reasoning, empathy or emotional intelligence, income, etc.
ackermann t1_ix636qx wrote
Reply to comment by ZookeepergameOwn1726 in [OC] Sex Ratio Imbalances in Persian Gulf Countries by kgunnar
Didn’t realize expats were counted for these numbers
ackermann t1_ix5ye67 wrote
Reply to comment by Grimalkin in [OC] Sex Ratio Imbalances in Persian Gulf Countries by kgunnar
Huh, even if women can vote in those countries (not sure)… they’re outvoted!
No wonder women’s rights are terrible in the region.
ackermann t1_iubebsw wrote
Reply to comment by sevaiper in Amazon may have to turn to SpaceX for help launching its Starlink rival service by Soupjoe5
Took Blue 17 years to replicate what SpaceShipOne achieved in 2004! For the X-Prize, SpaceShipOne flew crewed, twice in two weeks reusing the same vehicle!
Actually, it’s also pretty embarrassing that Virgin Galactic also took 17 years to replicate that feat, with just a slightly larger craft!
ackermann t1_iuaw1qc wrote
Reply to comment by Mntfrd_Graverobber in Amazon may have to turn to SpaceX for help launching its Starlink rival service by Soupjoe5
Not an orbital rocket, at least. New Shepherd worked ok, until that last flight…
ackermann t1_iu82pag wrote
Reply to comment by Homo-Sapien_7 in Ray of joy: Nasa captures image of the sun ‘smiling’ by AsslessBaboon
Like the baby in the sun, in the Teletubbies
ackermann t1_iu3ij2r wrote
Reply to comment by BilboSR24 in LPT - If theres a sudden roadblock on a highway or a traffic jam and you have to stop, always keep a lot of distance in front of you so you dont get pancaked if someone behind you doesn't notice the block. by zapdado2002
Well, you only have to leave the gap until another car stops behind you.
Then the guy behind you offers you some protection.
ackermann t1_iu31akb wrote
Reply to comment by ambirdsall in [OC] Racial breakdown of students at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford compared to students scoring 1400+ on the SAT by tabthough
> SAT scores have a positive correlation with economic and pre-college educational privilege
True. But it is concerning that this hits Asian kids considerably harder than even whites! Asians still experience some racism in this country, and probably don’t deserve that.
Not all Asians are wealthy. Especially those from Laos, Vietnam, or other poorer countries (maybe they should be classed as URM).
Lower income Asian kids are really getting screwed here. Why should they have to score much higher than others, to get to the same colleges? Because of the color of their skin?
If we need to discriminate at all, if anything, it should be based purely on wealth/income IMO, not race.
Wouldn’t income be a better proxy for privilege, than race? To somewhat counter wealthy peoples ability to afford expensive schools, private tutors, and SAT prep classes.
This would still indirectly favor URM, since they tend to be lower income. But it would better handle cases like poor asian/white kids, or rich black kids.
ackermann t1_iu2zy3b wrote
Reply to comment by joeschmoe86 in [OC] Racial breakdown of students at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford compared to students scoring 1400+ on the SAT by tabthough
It’s at Asians’ expense though.
Not all Asians are wealthy. Especially those from Laos, Vietnam, or other poorer countries.
Lower income Asian kids are really getting screwed here. Why should they have to score much higher than others, to get to the same colleges?
If we need to discriminate at all, if anything, it should be based purely on wealth/income, not race. To somewhat counter wealthy peoples ability to afford expensive schools, private tutors, and SAT prep classes.
This would still indirectly favor URM, since they tend to be lower income. But it would better handle cases like poor Asian kids, or rich black kids.
ackermann t1_irfpj5i wrote
Reply to comment by Maephia in A skin graft using sticky mussel "feet" proteins heals without scars by dazosan
> Leech saliva has very useful properties that make it helpful to heal
Maybe we could just harvest the saliva then, rather than using actual leeches? You could buy “leech saliva” over the counter, to put on small wounds, under a bandaid.
Or perhaps synthesize the relevant components. Add them to products like Neosporin
ackermann t1_j2ykwu6 wrote
Reply to comment by charleswj in Self-driving stroller aims to reduce parents’ stress – at cost of £2,700 by diacewrb
Fair. Heavier is probably harder to load and unload from the car, and climb stairs, even if it is motorized. Still, might be preferable when you know you have a long day with a lot of walking.