
actualtext t1_irdw70s wrote

The plan isn't outdated. It's a plan that was approved during Cuomo governorship.

I don't understand what you're argument is about not funding the subway. Its more than 80% of the budget plan. It's literally in what you quoted.

> includes more than $40 billion in New York City Transit’s subways and buses including crucial signal upgrades on six line segments and expanding accessibility in the subway and Staten Island Railway systems.

How is that not improving the subway system?


actualtext t1_ircmyy0 wrote

National embarrassment that is our subway system? No other US city has a subway system that comes close to our size our’s. The closest is Chicago and we’re about four times bigger when you compare miles of tracks and stations. What are you even talking about? Our public transit ain’t perfect but it’s much better than anything else in this country for what it does and covers.


actualtext t1_iqtfbta wrote

He starts touching on the production of trash also needing to be tackles in the end. The building produces 45 bags of trash a day which gets picked up daily. I'm not sure how many bags of trash the bins can hold but hopefully it can do that much at least.