addctd2badideas t1_j0etg1k wrote
Reply to comment by jlamont16 in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
Based on what? I'm Jewish and used to live in Remington with a menorah in the window during Hanukkah and a Mezuzah on my door. Never once encountered any Anti-Semitism there or in Hampden.
Then again, it wasn't until 2017 that I thought I had to deal with actual Nazis in any meaningful way. But most of that wasn't in Baltimore.
addctd2badideas t1_j0ehnzo wrote
Reply to comment by hymie0 in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
Was Anti-Semitism really that prevalent back then?
I'd buy the 50's. Maybe the 60's. But the 90's?
addctd2badideas t1_j0dmn51 wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
I tell you what my perception of the season is and you shit all over it. You're an asshole.
addctd2badideas t1_j0dk80a wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
Except that's DEFINITELY not my perception. I don't care if your Xmas involves "child son of God but also not" or "magic home invasion mailman in red"... it's not my holiday and you can't go anywhere without incessant holiday music playing... and it's always the same goddamn songs over and over.
It's always the goyim who tell me to "be merry" as if the Christmas Hegemony doesn't exist. Kinda like how Evangelicals complain how oppressed they are when they're a quarter of the entire population.
Let people be and stop shoving your holidays down the throats of people who don't want it.
addctd2badideas t1_j0dbj1g wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
Because the holiday season is already insufferable enough as it is without us making a fuss about a minor holiday that's been overblown because of Xmas. While you people are really enjoying the festive birth of your savior while we're celebrating a bargain for 8 fucking days. Not to mention the history of Hanukkah is kinda celebrating religious fundamentalism.
Sorry to be a downer. Happy holidays I guess.
addctd2badideas t1_j02jomc wrote
Reply to When there’s trouble you call: by tippecanoem86
Let's. Get. Dangerous.
addctd2badideas t1_izzysl3 wrote
Reply to Looking for Goth clubs/scenes. by Karnezar
Batz, yo.
addctd2badideas t1_izko58l wrote
Reply to Yikes by MollyClock
Showing you were at the Jan 6 insurrection without explicitly saying that you were there.
addctd2badideas t1_iy6kic0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Who said anything about forcing. He made a choice. I'm criticizing the choice.
Are you really that dense?
addctd2badideas t1_iy6c8x5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
To openly eschew voting in favor of some cockamamie ideology that is both impractical and contrary to human nature... yes, that's anti-democratic. To be pro-democracy is to encourage voting. I don't see what's hard about this.
addctd2badideas t1_iy6acpz wrote
Reply to comment by Kmic14 in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
So one must agree with every single thing a band says in their lyrics to be a fan? Are you for real?
I made the mistake once of reading Jack's blog and he basically said he doesn't vote. I find that to be an abhorrent view. It's anti-democratic. But he's an "anarchist" (whatever that means) so I decided to just simply find beauty in their music.One needs not be an ideologue to do so.
addctd2badideas t1_iy60g6t wrote
Reply to comment by Angdrambor in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
It's a World Inferno Friendship Society reference.
And LOL I don't worship cars but it happens to be the world we live in. Wasn't my idea. I'd be down for some luxury space utopia in the future but I can't see mass transit working well in Baltimore. They can't even maintain the system they have currently. I can't imagine the boondoggle that would be if they actually built it.
I'm not a worshiper of cars, I'm just not an ideologue.
addctd2badideas t1_iy5jhuc wrote
Reply to comment by bmore in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Lazy answer.
addctd2badideas t1_iy5hc0u wrote
Reply to comment by bmore in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Okay so Hogan isn't the only one to cancel these projects. What does that tell you?
addctd2badideas t1_iy5h88x wrote
Reply to comment by FlimFlamMagoo728 in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
I can have any opinion I like, thanks. That's how this works. I was just speaking of bad faith arguments and your "I only acknowledge opinions based on an arbitrary litmus test that I set" is a great example
There's a major difference between maintenance and an entirely new project.
addctd2badideas t1_iy5asl3 wrote
Reply to comment by instantcoffee69 in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Hogan's dislike of Baltimore is well-known but I'm honestly curious as to whether or not it would truly improve life and transit in a city that's been constantly losing residents for decades.
He might have canceled the Red Line in bad faith but without a grander transit system besides the weird patchwork of Metro, light rail and MARC, I'm not sure how it would have made enough of an impact to justify the cost alone. Even public infrastructure projects are supposed to have a return on investment.
addctd2badideas t1_iy55j6x wrote
Reply to comment by Unusual-Thanks-2959 in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Monorail, monorail, monorail...
addctd2badideas t1_ivqnjpj wrote
Reply to comment by Mildred_RatchedRN in which east coast city is most comparable to Baltimore? by caw2k22
I used to call Richmond the "Baltimore of the South."
I don't call it that anymore.
addctd2badideas t1_ivqnfsv wrote
Philly but their infrastructure is way better.
addctd2badideas t1_iuax4k7 wrote
Reply to comment by FriedScrapple in Nice espantoon by FriedScrapple
addctd2badideas t1_iua5t66 wrote
Reply to comment by pbear737 in Nice espantoon by FriedScrapple
You know, as much as I fault the patriarchy for many of the inequities in our society, it's also important to respect people's agency.
If someone wants to dress up in a sexy Halloween costume, let 'em and God Bless. Not my jam and obviously it's not yours either. But that's their choice and I might internally judge a bit but I'm never going to tell someone not to do it if it brings them joy and hurts literally no one.
If you're that concerned by the patriarchy, it doesn't help to tear other women down because they don't subscribe to your interpretation of feminism.
addctd2badideas t1_iua54ka wrote
Reply to comment by pbear737 in Nice espantoon by FriedScrapple
She must have gone to Girls Costume Warehouse .
(Any excuse to post this)
addctd2badideas t1_iu1einf wrote
Reply to Building over alley in the city? by kale_cookie_castles
My old house in Pigtown had a garage that was previously used for parking but a commercial space on the other side of the alley erected metal bars to encompass their parking lot at some point. This effectively narrowed the alley and made the garage useless for parking because the angle wasn't enough for any reasonably sized vehcile to turn into (except for "pregnant roller skate" cars like Fiats, SmartCars or Honda Fits)
So it's probably allowed but you're in for a kafkaesque level of bureaucracy in trying to secure the permits. Ask yourself if it's really worth the headache.
addctd2badideas t1_itr6lue wrote
Reply to comment by OneThree_FiveZero in As Sinclair owner funds term limits push in Baltimore, his station is a willing megaphone by GovernorOfReddit
Even if Sinclair were right about something, it's not being argued in good faith.
Baltimore is complicated and there are serious problems. But fearmongering doesn't fix them.
addctd2badideas t1_j0etjyq wrote
Reply to comment by superdreamcast64 in Meet the Guy Behind 34th Street’s First-Ever Hanukkah House by aresef
As I mentioned in another thread, I never thought I'd have to deal with Nazis again in the modern world but none of that was in Baltimore.