
agentchuck t1_jb4s4n4 wrote

I think what they meant was that the roads are designed for everyone to get where they're going as safely as possible. They're not for "having fun", which usually translates into some selfish kid who watched too many F&F movies thinking their endorphin rush is more important than everyone else on the road.


agentchuck t1_ja8bjzo wrote

I don't know the statistics but a lot of the world doesn't actually eat raw vegetables. It's pretty uncommon in a lot of places because vegetables can end up covered in bacteria, etc. Cooking reduces the risk of getting seriously sick. As an example, in China you'll get a ton of vegetables in everything, but it's all cooked.


agentchuck t1_j4javnn wrote

It's worth noting also that people always underestimate how much active work a child goes through in learning a language. They are under constant tutelage for years by family members who correct their pronunciation and language usage. They go to school where they have to dedicate hours on spelling, grammar, etc. And they have to use the language constantly in service of learning other things. Proficiency doesn't just appear from exposure.

As an adult learning a second language you generally won't have anywhere close to the same level of language exposure or learning support.


agentchuck t1_ixjgfpl wrote

I live in Ontario and a lot of our long term care homes are very underfunded. I'm happy they're putting more resources into it, but it's so strange as a pilot project. Of course giving more resources, more staff, etc. is going to result in a better experience...?

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande is a very interesting read. One strange thing about care homes is how they take care of the elderly, but they are actually catering to their children. They're advertised to the children, they have to deal with lawsuits from the children, etc. There have been some LTC homes that have tried to make a more patient centered care. But if they aren't protecting/extending life as much as possible then they run the risk of being sued. This can be run contrary to the patients in their care who are still human and still want freedom and to enjoy some wine or an unhealthy meal.