ahtasva t1_iuf7bgx wrote
Reply to comment by Nexis4Jersey in 2nd Gunpoint Robbery of Central Ward Pharmacy Raises Concerns from Business Community on Broadway - McDonalds (on Broadway) will no longer allow those < 18 to enter store w/o adult chaperone. On several occasions, 25-50 teens "caused a disturbance" including verbal abuse of workers and fighting. by madsheb
So insanity is now a defense for looting? Large numbers of “mentally ill” individual are surprisingly able to coordinate the ransacking of retails outlets, selecting the most valuable and street salable items to steal. You might want to rethink your support of the insanity defense. Who are the politicians egging on criminals ?
ahtasva t1_iuatse2 wrote
Reply to comment by twinkcommunist in Another building bites the dust... gentrification is real out here. by Towers_Oh_My27
The answer is actually increased domestic spending on things that really create value for the people who live in this country. Large scale public housing being top on that list. The myth that private developers will resolve our housing crisis is a myth that has been so utterly discredit that one has to be borderline brain dead to continue to buy into it.
The entire sub-urban housing stock built in the post war building boom was heavily subsidized by the federal govt. But for those subsidies, the so called boomers would be just as broke as the melenials. No one talks about it in those terms today because the beneficiaries of those subsidies were almost exclusively white and today form the core of the neo liberal establishment.
The so-called progressives that are supposed to be challenging the establishment are now squarely co-opted; voting for war, increased military spending while ignoring the domestic crisis that plague their constituents.
ahtasva t1_iua1czg wrote
Reply to comment by Ironboundian in Another building bites the dust... gentrification is real out here. by Towers_Oh_My27
Even it if were, what’s wrong with that? You take a building with 4 units down and replace it with 40 units, that’s a 1000% increase in available rental units. The 20% affordable quota creates 8 affordable units. Assuming the 4 units lost were housing low income residents, those units have grown by 100%. How is this not a win all around.
ahtasva t1_iu970p9 wrote
How is this gentrification ? That building was abandoned and empty for a long time. Apparently word have no meaning anymore🤷🏾♂️
ahtasva t1_iu740g0 wrote
Reply to comment by TrafficSNAFU in 2nd Gunpoint Robbery of Central Ward Pharmacy Raises Concerns from Business Community on Broadway - McDonalds (on Broadway) will no longer allow those < 18 to enter store w/o adult chaperone. On several occasions, 25-50 teens "caused a disturbance" including verbal abuse of workers and fighting. by madsheb
It clearly isn’t everyone; that would lead to anarchy. The fact of the matter is; when the factors that disincentivize crime ( arrests , prosecutions, social sanction etc) are removed, those who would otherwise commit crimes are emboldened to do so. There simply is no other explanation for the rapid rise in crime we are seeing over the last 18 months. The tragedy of it all is that the victims of these crimes will ultimately be the poorest and worst off among us.
Prevailing wisdom in this sub is that there is nothing to see until the murder rate in the city reaches 1980 level; at this rate we will be there in 12 months. If you think it’s bad now, just wait till Biden tanks the economy and the unemployment rate hits double digits.
ahtasva t1_itpr0k1 wrote
Baraka 2024: Solving problems that don’t exist
ahtasva t1_itm9vjf wrote
Reply to comment by VroomRutabaga in Rant: Newark rent is too expensive for what it is worth by swimteam69
I was really hoping that pathmark would turn onto a ShopRite but alas ; I was disappointed.
ahtasva t1_itm8lye wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Rant: Newark rent is too expensive for what it is worth by swimteam69
NJ and NYC have a tax treaty that provides for some kind of claw back in favor of NJ in this instance. Also, as along as you live in NJ and are not homeless you are in effect paying property taxes. Does not matter if you rent or own.
ahtasva t1_irvi3jr wrote
Reply to I did an OPRA on Gateway and.... by NewNewark
Please write officially to the developer and cc the mayors office requesting clarification. My guess is no one read the fine print and everyone is just going on gut. Don’t let them know you have the paperwork in the beginning, just say you were “ made to understand by someone who was involved in the original project “ or something like that. Technically you are not lying 😊.
It’s always good to understand where the opposing party’s default position first before showing your cards.
PS> please update this thread. This is a matter of great public importance
ahtasva OP t1_ira7vuj wrote
Reply to comment by Cobra800089 in JC rents are insane by ahtasva
The concept is gentrification is purely performative and ultimately self defeating. It’s primarily a way for we’ll to do liberals to feel good about themselves while perpetuating the kinds of inequities that claim to hate.
There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop people from living where they want. If enough people with the means want something the market will find a way to provide it. Case in point is Brooklyn or Hoboken.
Why can’t progressives just say what they want? Affordable housing! If the median household income is an area is X then the median rent in that area needs to be approximately 0.3X. Simple as that. If the private market can provide that good; they can have at it. If not let the public sector take over. A city like Newark should be issuing bonds and building a 5000 units a year to keep up with demand.
Bottom line is there is no political will to house the masses. Keeping people housing insecure is a core to social experiment we are living in. Let people get comfy in decent homes and who know what else they might demand.
ahtasva OP t1_iqt8of3 wrote
Reply to comment by toughguy375 in JC rents are insane by ahtasva
Expanding rail access should be top priority. Building the second tunnel to ease the bottleneck for NJT trains is another.
ahtasva t1_iqs9une wrote
Reply to Issues landlord by Mytalkingheadx
Is your unit separately metered? If it is not then it’s going to be impossible to get it changed to your name. There are likely rules about what rent covers where the utilities are shared. Typically it’s rolled into rent. Many older apartments in NYC work this way. Check metering first then call the city to find out how utilities should be apportioned
ahtasva t1_iuth4mk wrote
Reply to comment by DrixxYBoat in Cop shooter captured by GhostOfRobertTreat
This is hilarious. We can’t “capture” criminals on the run now. 🤣🤣🤣 Please educate us on the correct verb to use in a situation like this.