akcattleco t1_jcf6laa wrote
What about our lakes and rivers and food supplies?? Our fish are full of them too and so is pretty much everything else that we eat. PFAS should be banned.
akcattleco t1_jca2awy wrote
Same in Moultonborough
akcattleco t1_jc6dlbk wrote
Reply to What is the deal with the NH grid? by decayo
Fingers crossed, but haven't lost power in my area of Moultonborough once since at least October when I moved here. That said, I'm still putting in a generator.
akcattleco t1_jc6dcnj wrote
Not much in Moultonborough so far
akcattleco t1_jbztxjk wrote
Cloudboy! Cloudboy!!! Cloudboy!!!!
akcattleco t1_j9c0fuk wrote
I don't see him!!
akcattleco t1_j9akoba wrote
Reply to NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
Dahmer vibes
akcattleco t1_j95udfp wrote
Reply to comment by Kulayd_ in Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
I believe that the OP girlfriend is actually imaginary
akcattleco t1_j95mwk5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
Interpretation is subjective and I'm not "triggered" by anything.
akcattleco t1_j95mg5o wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
It literally says "We have written Maine off the list because of what I have seen with POC (peope of color) there."
That obviously clearly implies he believes the state is racist. In any case this is a shit post.
akcattleco t1_j95m0xm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
Well if you read the post it's pretty clear
akcattleco t1_j8xpal7 wrote
Reply to comment by SillyIce in hello, after living almost 8 years in NH , we are moving to AZ. bittersweet feelings. I am sad to leave our beautiful NH. anyone else moving out of state? do you have the same feelings of missing out on the mountains and the NE summer? by crazycurious7
Nope you are wrong. I just left there last year after 40 years. The reason their economy is in the top has nothing to do with their policies. The two factors are agriculture which is heavily dominated by conservatives that have no voice and silicon valley tech which are currently fleeing the state in droves.
Thanks for the down votes, facts obviously don't matter.
akcattleco t1_j6hu84n wrote
Reply to comment by comefromawayfan2022 in maple sugar season by beyond_hatred
I don't use Facebook but thank you for this info.
akcattleco t1_j6f28ti wrote
Reply to maple sugar season by beyond_hatred
Any one around Moultonborough willing to give lessons? I would gladly pay. I have Maples on my property, I believe they are black maples, but I'm no tree expert, I know some have been tapped before from the previous owner.
akcattleco OP t1_j5odxod wrote
Reply to comment by bleucheese87 in Moultonborough, 12" or more so far here by akcattleco
Thank you
akcattleco OP t1_j5lletd wrote
Reply to comment by BlackJesus420 in Moultonborough, 12" or more so far here by akcattleco
akcattleco OP t1_j5ll6xg wrote
Reply to comment by BigBlueDane in Moultonborough, 12" or more so far here by akcattleco
Not so far here fortunately
akcattleco t1_j3nyei5 wrote
Reply to comment by Historical_Pie_5193 in Best phone service? by zebra_humbucker
That's fantastic
akcattleco t1_j3mmmjk wrote
Reply to comment by Historical_Pie_5193 in Best phone service? by zebra_humbucker
Doesn't Xfinity use Verizon though?
akcattleco t1_j3mmi6f wrote
Reply to Best phone service? by zebra_humbucker
I have AT&T and it seems to be spotty where I live in the Lakes region, that said I have nothing to compare it to.
akcattleco OP t1_j0obema wrote
Reply to comment by CumSicarioDisputabo in Chowder on a Snowy New Hampshire Day by akcattleco
Haha no, I made it, that's my house.
akcattleco OP t1_j0ob8m2 wrote
Reply to comment by KG4212 in Chowder on a Snowy New Hampshire Day by akcattleco
New England Clam!
akcattleco OP t1_j0npe02 wrote
Reply to comment by beyond_hatred in Chowder on a Snowy New Hampshire Day by akcattleco
I cut the loaf, then trim it up, butter the cut areas and toast it under the broiler before putting soup in, the top is perfectly crunchy for dipping and the bowl stays crunchy on the outside.
akcattleco OP t1_j0n16dm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Chowder on a Snowy New Hampshire Day by akcattleco
Jokes on you because I have no friends!
akcattleco t1_jd7uvr4 wrote
Reply to Trout Ponds of NH - Digital Map by quaffee
Awesome thanks!!