My first visit back in 1981 was during a whiteout blizzard had to hike up from the entrance. After ignoring the avalanche warnings and peering down to the edge of the lake a brief clearing in the storm unveiled wizard island. Took over 30 years to return this time in June and will always be a destination when close by.
alawn_mulch t1_j1ea8he wrote
Reply to comment by Lintlickker in Crater Lake National Park [4032 × 2673][OC] by 85gaucho
My first visit back in 1981 was during a whiteout blizzard had to hike up from the entrance. After ignoring the avalanche warnings and peering down to the edge of the lake a brief clearing in the storm unveiled wizard island. Took over 30 years to return this time in June and will always be a destination when close by.