
albertogonzalex t1_iy57unk wrote

Reply to comment by Sheol in Is there life after Darwin’s? by reveazure

I'm not saying the post doesn't belong here. I'm saying, it's odd to ask for requests for a sandwich shop that is as easily accessible in the greater Boston region as the answers and then shoot down those answers for being out of the way. As my previous answer described.


albertogonzalex t1_iy55dt5 wrote

Reply to comment by Sheol in Is there life after Darwin’s? by reveazure

We're on a Boston subreddit. OP is about a Cambridge business. Just pointing out the oddity of asking for suggestions and then commenting that something is out of the way when it's comparably convenient relatively to Boston as the original location in the post.


albertogonzalex t1_ixohka5 wrote

All religions are a lie and there is no such thing as god. Luther was a virulent antisemite.

Avoiding taxes on property removes revenue for public services like education. Saying you're anti capitalist while pursuing tax avoidance like this is wildly cognitively dissonant.

Don't do this.


albertogonzalex t1_ixkmmjn wrote

No, making a salary that is higher than the national average annual salary is not "entry level salary." It is a high salary. A first year attorney is "entry level" but is making 200k and that's obviously not an entry level salary.

Just because the starting salary is what it is, does not make it an entry level salary.


albertogonzalex t1_iwds8o5 wrote

I think this is a totally accurate take. And, couldn't agree more. I guess I'm coming from the place of opportunity-cost thinking. The value -add of going wider here (and even doing this project at all given the current conditions are sufficient - they need a lot of work. But I feel 100% safe riding with my kids currently) isn't nearly as important as creating new infrastructure (like safely connecting Assembly to Alewife along the mess of paths along 16 or accelerating/more aggressively improving any of the street projects currently going etc).

Let's cross the "need to make an off street path bigger bc use is so high that people don't use it" when we get there and use those funds now for all the areas we know people are being killed and many more people aren't riding at all bc of the actual safety reality.


albertogonzalex t1_iumqe4e wrote

There a lot of unpaved sections and loops around the Charles, Fresh Pond, the reservoir near BC, the mystic lakes in winchester, etc. There are gravel and mountain bikable paths through the Fells and Blue Hills.

In Danvers, there's a rail-trail that's all unpaved and runs for about 5 miles.