alvinofdiaspar t1_isy3sp9 wrote
Reply to comment by dontevercallmeabully in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
Yes I think you can visit, though not easily since it is smack on the middle of the Sinai Peninsula and there are ongoing issues with militants.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isy3hz4 wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceInMyBrain in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
There are a number of these mechanical devices (even a form of steam engine) - look up Hero of Alexandria. They didn’t make the leap to using these machines in a mass-produced, industrial manner though; mainly just as curiosities. History would have turned out so differently had they been able to make the leap.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isw4nq7 wrote
Reply to comment by mcpat21 in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
Not quite- it is short for High Precision PARallex COllecting Satellite.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isw3vm0 wrote
Reply to comment by BarbequedYeti in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
Fun fact - the ESA astrometry mission HIPPARCOS in the late 80a was named partly after this astronomer.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isus7qk wrote
Reply to comment by Snufflepuffster in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
There is a history of important discoveries using this technique- e.g. Archimedes Codex. One can only imagine and hope for more.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isuq9yx wrote
Reply to comment by StrangeTangerine1525 in The Europa Clipper mission may be as exciting as a manned mars mission and it’s only two years away by Wide-Escape-5618
There are suggestions of sporadic rainfall and fluvial activity in the equatorial band so it isn’t impossible to see liquid - but it may present challenges.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isu8x1s wrote
Reply to comment by the6thReplicant in The Europa Clipper mission may be as exciting as a manned mars mission and it’s only two years away by Wide-Escape-5618
There is a fair chance Dragonfly won’t see liquid - the mission is targeted to near equatorial areas, not the poles where the mares (seas) are.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isu7gpe wrote
Reply to comment by KaptainKoala in The Europa Clipper mission may be as exciting as a manned mars mission and it’s only two years away by Wide-Escape-5618
No real way around it - getting to Jupiter takes time (especially for a heavy orbiter that can’t just zip by like the Pioneers, Voyagers or New Horizons - in which case it takes about a year). The SLS can do it in 2 and change, but it isn’t available (or even tested), a good fit with the spacecraft and would cost a neat billion more than FH.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isu2dgr wrote
Reply to comment by Dungeonmancer in The Europa Clipper mission may be as exciting as a manned mars mission and it’s only two years away by Wide-Escape-5618
The MEGA trajectory is relatively fast - not as fast as direct but not bad at all (compared to say Galileo, Cassini or even ESA’s JUICE).
alvinofdiaspar t1_isu24fw wrote
Reply to comment by KaptainKoala in The Europa Clipper mission may be as exciting as a manned mars mission and it’s only two years away by Wide-Escape-5618
Launch is only 2 years away.
alvinofdiaspar t1_isy42fe wrote
Reply to comment by Supermeme1001 in First known map of night sky found hidden in Medieval parchment by TechnologicalDarkage
They do have a Father/Librarian (Father Justin Sinates) who is actually a Texan.