amoebashephard OP t1_je4hno4 wrote
Reply to comment by drossinvt in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
What varieties did you use?
amoebashephard OP t1_je1lgj0 wrote
Reply to comment by GraniteGeekNH in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
here's the paper I've been basing the idea of using it as a feedstock for pellets. Both giant and regular knotweed is present in VT.
The thought is to have a solar/bio gas drying facility; and that I would go through the permit process to transport from pickup spots around the state, or that people could schedule pickup.
My hope was to have some sort of system in place to harvest from stream sides legally.
I'm mostly just brainstorming at the moment, and I really appreciate your response!
amoebashephard OP t1_je0q0u4 wrote
Reply to comment by halpscar in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
amoebashephard OP t1_je0pa64 wrote
Reply to comment by ScrappleJac in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
I'd be looking at buying during two parts of the season- spring/early summer and then before fall;
Initial cutting would get a higher price with squash planting, and I would handle drying/processing in order to get the right moisture content.
Edit: removal at certain points depletes the rhizome and allows for better suppression
amoebashephard OP t1_je0oug8 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
Oh I know!
amoebashephard OP t1_je0l0a1 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
Unsure! I haven't priced everything out yet, but I'm looking at grant money from the state and federal levels to combat watershed erosion.
amoebashephard OP t1_je0eezz wrote
Reply to comment by sn0qualmie in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
I haven't done my own comparison yet, but I've heard from a couple different sites that fight Knotweed that it can help suppress it.
amoebashephard OP t1_je0d3zn wrote
Reply to comment by Aesopscorp in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
Unfortunately they suppress a lot of the undergrowth and really contribute to erosion.
amoebashephard OP t1_je05rdl wrote
Reply to comment by wut_the_phuck in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
I have a couple patches I know haven't been sprayed that I gather shoots for salads and pickles
amoebashephard OP t1_je04x0s wrote
Reply to comment by wut_the_phuck in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
That's not really something I'm interested in turning into a business, and despite all my time outside I've never got a tick.
I've had them on me, but I think a steady diet of garlic and onions stunned em
amoebashephard OP t1_je04lep wrote
Reply to comment by _peteyfourfingers_ in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
Lol, I'm thinking something like the seaweed gathering model in down east Maine, but I'll post asking if it takes off!
amoebashephard t1_jdi5brb wrote
I think part of the "under building" numbers are counting housing that is substandard. I don't have the article or numbers ATM, but I believe there is a significant portion of elderly in Vermont living in dangerous and substandard housing that isn't always captured in these housing numbers.
Edit: 7k houses substandard living conditions VT digger 2020
amoebashephard t1_jdhfk6w wrote
Reply to comment by aMaezingadventures in Vermont state colleges failing again by aMaezingadventures
If they are planning on opening up renting to non students, then I don't see how they can kick families out, since they'll need to abide by non discrimination laws- which includes discrimination on partnership/child status.
Either way, it's rough and I wish you luck. What a shitty thing for them to do
amoebashephard t1_jdh82dc wrote
UVM tried to do this five or six years ago, the buildings were costing quite a bit for upkeep and they wanted to sell them off to a private rental agency, mostly to aquire the matching money for a large donation to build a new arena.
Luckily, CHT was able to put an offer in. Existing students weren't just evicted, they were allowed to stay, option was given to purchase their unit, and if they wanted to transfer they were given priority in other CHT housing.
This sounds exactly like what happened there. There's tons of articles. I would contact the journalists who wrote those and get them to help you dig, then see if you can get a similar resolution, because when it comes down to it, they've likely already decided to sell it, best outcome is to get a nonprofit in that expands your options.
amoebashephard t1_jdcszos wrote
Reply to UVM Med - Billing Dept is a fun ride. by cpujockey
Have you talked to Medicaid? Pretty sure they should be paying out medical costs regardless of whether your friend survived or not. Sorry you are going through this.
amoebashephard t1_jd5qsgz wrote
Reply to comment by OkNotice8600 in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
Who's getting vilified? What tf are you talking about?
amoebashephard t1_jd5obki wrote
Reply to comment by OkNotice8600 in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
I'm not saying it's fine, just that republicans can be bad parents too. It's not a political issue
amoebashephard t1_jd58bad wrote
Don't forget the grange halls and oddfellows halls.
Burlington/Colchester Essex had several buffalo soldiers and some who brought families that settled in the area.
There's a lot to love about Vermont, but don't be afraid to add the hard parts as well.Lincoln Hill in hinesburg
amoebashephard t1_jd3g2ee wrote
I was just thinking about this again, and a comment I read earlier from someone about how they thought we could bring jobs to Vermont -they were mostly thinking along the lines of resource extraction.
Resource extraction is one of the biggest source points for pollution, whether it's logging, mining, etc through groundwater.
As illustrated by this question, lots of people are on well water, and there are several areas that already have really bad health issues due to well water-I'm mostly thinking Bridport, Orwell area, and then south to Yankee and then the pfa thing. We've already got a ton of water quality issues, we really need to be careful as a state how we build our economy so that we can actually survive here without getting sick
amoebashephard t1_jd32pad wrote
Reply to comment by Otto-Korrect in If you could choose, would you prefer private well water or town water by kellogsmalone
I was lucky and my parents had good dental, so got the treatments. A lot of my friends growing up didn't or couldn't though, and ouch
amoebashephard t1_jd2y7ko wrote
Unless you're on a mountain, I'd be testing that water pretty often if you're near any significant agriculture.
Let the town pay for it, that's part of what taxes are for
amoebashephard t1_jd2jjtu wrote
Reply to comment by OkNotice8600 in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
This is most definitely not an issue confined to democrats
amoebashephard t1_jcjwcyj wrote
Reply to Vermont Lawmakers File Several Bills To Legalize Psychedelics, Other Drugs by GivenAllTheFucksSry
I know this is slightly off topic, but decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms would enable some additional environmental remediation efforts around farms.
Currently we're only able to conduct research on the ability of certain mushrooms to uptake nutrients with spores and aren't able to propagate. We know that they are really amazing at dealing with phosphorus, and that they are really good at accumulating heavy metals.
Drug laws have additional effects beyond just people using drugs
amoebashephard t1_jc08b9h wrote
Reply to Straight for the jugular by Free_Custard_7894
Better than Merkel any day, snow rain or sun. The man single handedly turned an entire generation of Addison county school children into fervent ACAB folks just by being a school resource officer
amoebashephard OP t1_je4k31g wrote
Reply to comment by brothermuffin in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
Good point.