andr_wr t1_j0zyc3s wrote
Reply to comment by Ioseb_Hates_Money in My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
The ticket wouldn't have 'emergency street cleaning' listed as a reason. It would be the same fine as a regular 'street cleaning' ticket.
It's been long enough now that the temporary signs would've likely been removed or blown down, but, it's not an uncommon thing to have emergency street cleaning be the issue.
What corner were you parked at?
andr_wr t1_j0wyr32 wrote
Reply to My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
I would go back and double check - I have seen, only occassionally, emergency street sweeping at the end of fall/early December. Might that have been it?
andr_wr t1_izus4z7 wrote
Visibility is down down down. The snow is light but very wet and surfaces are cold cold cold.
andr_wr t1_iytspba wrote
Reply to comment by commentsOnPizza in Swimming in Cambridge by RickRollmyDMs
As a former competitive swimmer, I will warn that both the Cambridge and Somerville YMCAs have odd-ball 20-yard pools. If you are swimming in more of a competitive style, it's something to remember about how you'll be doing 1 extra flip turn for every 100 yards.
andr_wr t1_iysn70b wrote
Reply to Swimming in Cambridge by RickRollmyDMs
The War Memorial is the city's public swimming facility. They have a 25 yard pool. The current (Fall 2022) schedule is found at the URL above. Looks like evening lap swims are what is available.
Near Porter Square is the Somerville pool. They also have a 25 yard pool. The current schedule is found at the URL below: Looks like morning lap swims are what is available.
andr_wr t1_ix2lif5 wrote
Reply to comment by j_parkour in Advice on complaint about a cab? by lilthrowawaylol
Green & Yellow is good for telephone (or mobile) taxi calls -
andr_wr t1_ivwhsn0 wrote
Reply to Advice on complaint about a cab? by lilthrowawaylol
Call the cab company first before filing the complaint. If the cab company will make amends satisfactorily - great. If not, then your complaint will have more weight since it's clear that they aren't doing right.
andr_wr t1_ivqdsul wrote
Reply to comment by noob_tube03 in In divided U.S., Massachusetts turns deeper blue; Turnout in Cambridge, Somerville is under 50% by blackdynomitesnewbag
I'm ok (and most of Mass. is ok, apparently) with the landed gentry/capitalists having to pay an additional 4% of tax on their one-time earnings in excess of $1,000,000.
andr_wr t1_isi09kj wrote
Reply to comment by eschlerc in Anyone know what's up with this slow zone northbound between Central and Harvard? Apologies if someone has asked about this before by pweev
That's an interesting hypothesis. Almost 4 weeks of outage though?
andr_wr t1_j1c3td8 wrote
Reply to Does anyone else know someone that pronounces Cambridge with a soft "A" like jam? by officepolicy
Yes a few folks. They all were Harvard-affilated from other parts of the US. It was an intereting moment.
Some other unexpected pronunciations: Al-wife, Tray-munt, Leek-mere, and Putt-nam (like, old-school folks call Vietnam as "'nam")