andreq92 t1_j6ph1y4 wrote
Reply to comment by realevanburns in Maine begins mailing $450 relief checks - Lewiston Sun Journal by yzfmike
Thats what I did with the first big check. Then I lost it in a boating accident shortly after.
andreq92 t1_j2p2nnm wrote
Reply to comment by of_patrol_bot in Smithfield man dies when UTV breaks through ice at North Pond - Lewis… by yzfmike
Good bot
andreq92 t1_j29dz6x wrote
Reply to comment by LaChanz in Maine lawmakers to consider statewide ban on flavored tobacco products by membaberry18
I'm glad it worked for you. I have watched multiple people start vaping, only to end up doing both, so I guess it's up to the individual to make the decision!
andreq92 t1_j29c1w4 wrote
Reply to comment by LaChanz in Maine lawmakers to consider statewide ban on flavored tobacco products by membaberry18
So you're not using a nicotine based vape then, just to confirm? It's entirely just flavourful?
Been smoking for 15 years friend, have tried to quit but realized, I don't want to yet. I enjoy it. Watched my parents and many friends try patches, try gum, try fucking hypnosis, but none of them worked. Until they decided they were done. Then, and only then, did they stop. Perhaps one day I'll reach that point too, but as of right now I just enjoy smoking too much. The act of it is soothing. Do you know how many people I've watched switch to vaping, to only end up doing both vape and cigarettes within a year? An appalling amount.
If you vape, unless it's pure flavour, you have no moral highground to stand on as you seem to feel you do. If you're vaping flavour carts, why not just buy gum? Much cheaper
andreq92 t1_j28xl74 wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Maine lawmakers to consider statewide ban on flavored tobacco products by membaberry18
You fuck right off. I'll cut ya up before I give up my Hazlenut Benbows
andreq92 t1_j28x42i wrote
Reply to comment by Wooden-Importance in Maine lawmakers to consider statewide ban on flavored tobacco products by membaberry18
This is what happened 15 years ago when they banned flavoured cigars. You think I stopped smoking because Cherry Dean's weren't around? Fuck no I switch to Marb Red Kings
andreq92 t1_j28wzp6 wrote
Reply to comment by LaChanz in Maine lawmakers to consider statewide ban on flavored tobacco products by membaberry18
Except what happens more is people start doing both or progressing. Vaping is a gateway to something worse. Here's a quote from a doctor at John's Hopkins, "Dr. Blaha says there’s evidence that young people who vape are more likely to go on to use illicit drugs and tobacco products such as cigarettes"
If you actually want to quit smoking, you'll do it cold turkey when ready. Until then, nothing will stop you but yourself
*Your downvotes only feed me. I live for the uneducated downvotes of reddit knowitalls with no actual life experience
andreq92 t1_j25kvey wrote
Reply to comment by NoahSavedTheAnimals in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Praise be!
andreq92 t1_j25irzw wrote
Reply to comment by NoahSavedTheAnimals in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
As it happens I'm not fond of idiots clogging up the roads, looks like we're at an impasse guy!
andreq92 t1_j25eaw7 wrote
Reply to comment by NoahSavedTheAnimals in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
I own my shitbox of a malibu that's nearly 20 years old and have EXCELLENT insurance, try me friend
andreq92 t1_j24cfmb wrote
Reply to comment by priceless37 in Eff Trash Bandits by Kazbob48
Legit this lol, I was like who's rummaging through household garbage? Dumpsters near big stores maybe, but not residential trash lol
andreq92 t1_j23gveg wrote
Reply to comment by NoahSavedTheAnimals in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Run in to the back of my car and you'll be calling an ambulance, BUT NOT FOR ME
andreq92 t1_j21dj67 wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
I'm home sick with the flu. I've got days to waste friend
andreq92 t1_j21d6c8 wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Your response tells me all I need to know!
andreq92 t1_j21c8af wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
If you're not proud of what you do online and don't want it tied to you, maybe you need to look deeper and ask why that is? People are too afraid to tell others, "that's stupid and so are you."
andreq92 t1_j21b4ur wrote
Reply to comment by WildlyUnprepared4___ in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Or get the fuck out of my way. It's great that you're a vapid waste of human space but I am not and have places to be. So kindly fucking move
andreq92 t1_j21aym8 wrote
Reply to comment by MisterSophisticated in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
If you make it noticeable I will get in front of you and hit the brakes 10x as hard
andreq92 t1_j20s8rp wrote
Reply to comment by WhaleDinosaurDog in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Why??? Legit who cares?
andreq92 t1_j20s0js wrote
Reply to comment by WhaleDinosaurDog in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
And this is your first interaction?! Please stay off the roads and reddit.
andreq92 t1_j20rsz5 wrote
Reply to Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Did you make a reddit just to bitch about this? Oh honey, wrong state and wrong place. No post history? Dafuq?
andreq92 t1_j20rn4i wrote
Reply to comment by Coffee-FlavoredSweat in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Right how fucking dense is this joker?!
andreq92 t1_j20rji9 wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
Bless the eels
andreq92 t1_j20re55 wrote
Reply to Please drive SLOW in the snow by WhaleDinosaurDog
So you're the fucking asshole I have to pass in an inopportune spot because you are not capable of piloting your vehicle properly? Please do everyone a favour and let someone else drive you around. If that's not an option you should be pulling off to let traffic pass you so you don't cause road rage to others. I know my limitations and they far surpass our outdated speed limits Karen.
andreq92 t1_j0844im wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Really Maine? by poteetjim
Ancient Rome would like a word
andreq92 t1_j9lut03 wrote
Reply to comment by exploremore617 in CMP and Spectrum Outages by exploremore617
Plan on no power, and if you have it great!