andreq92 t1_izgn28n wrote
Reply to Please Bring the Amtrak To Bangor by PhiloBlackCardinal
UNH and UMO are vastly different places in terms of surrounding population. Apples and oranges. Not only that, just because it is still kind of large now, doesn't mean it will continue. Bangor is currently declining at a rate of -0.41% annually and has been for over 30 years.
andreq92 t1_izgl8s4 wrote
Reply to Please Bring the Amtrak To Bangor by PhiloBlackCardinal
Why? Bangor is a dying town.
andreq92 t1_izgbuw2 wrote
Reply to comment by keanenottheband in Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
Fucking say when. I'm ready and so is my torch.
andreq92 t1_ivxu9yq wrote
Reply to comment by EldVrangr in The accuracy. by CandlesandMakeuo
Maybe even Roy or Bolduc
andreq92 t1_ivxm96g wrote
Reply to comment by kmkmrod in The accuracy. by CandlesandMakeuo
Bickford or Bubar I'll bet.
andreq92 t1_izl4inb wrote
Reply to comment by Way2L8AND1 in CMP ranks last in JD Power survey â again by Way2L8AND1
Fuck you, minus 2