
andysaurus_rex t1_jadpgt7 wrote

Maybe I'm misreading but you already had the Pros and you're asking if you should buy them again? Or...?

Either way, I think the Aipods Pro (first or 2nd gen) are pretty much ideal for the situation you're talking about. I wouldn't want to bring over ear headphones to school every day. Wireless IEMs like the Pros are perfect. Just keep better track of them.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja9lgck wrote

All you need to know is that you appreciate them all and to you, they are worth it.

I can rationalize the price when I remember that if I treat them well, they will last decades. Yeah, maybe I spent $500 now, but if I had spent that on something like Airpods (no hate, I have some) they would only last me a few years thanks to the batteries. Nothing about the headphones I have will stop working any time soon.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja8kshh wrote

Personally I've been using Amazon HD without much complaints, other than the UI being pretty bad. But it's free (with Prime, which I already pay for) and high quality. If not for this I would have probably gone with Apple Music.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja57sjd wrote

I’d very carefully cut it off with something very sharp, like a razor blade or x-acto knife. Your can try picking it off with your fingernail too. Anything chemical will likely ruin the pads.

Cutting them off will at least get you by until it’s time to replace the pads.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja15ot7 wrote

Reply to comment by AetherLionn in Amp/DAC with HD6xx's by AetherLionn

Yeah I've been using a pretty basic Fiio amp/DAC for years. It's good. Good build quality. I've always been interested in Schiit's products because they look great an are a US based company. But would I discern a difference? Probably not.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja14hpw wrote

Reply to comment by AetherLionn in Amp/DAC with HD6xx's by AetherLionn

> Is it as good, or is this one of those "pick a price that works from a reputable company" things?

Take your pick. Both will work. They're good starting off points which I think is what you're looking for. There's like 20 good starter amp/DACs either in the form of combos or all in one units. Personally I'd only pick the Fulla if I wanted to use a headset with a mic on it.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja133h4 wrote

Reply to comment by AetherLionn in Amp/DAC with HD6xx's by AetherLionn

Yes it's a combo unit as is the K7. There's nothing inherently better about having standalone units aside from being able to upgrade the amp separately from the DAC which you may eventually want to do.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja12ijf wrote

There's a long version of this answer and a short version.

The short version is get a simple DAC/amp combo like the e10K or k7 or Schiit stack and just call it a day.


andysaurus_rex t1_ja0lahj wrote

Congrats! I pulled the trigger earlier this month. I just bought the ZMF lambskin pads which should be arriving early next week. Gonna stick with the stock cable for now but it's probably going to be replaced at some point. Just too long for my needs.

I have not EQ'd them but they were sticker modded. I've never tried the HD800s so I can't say what they sound like in comparison but to say that I'm impressed is a huge understatement.

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


andysaurus_rex t1_j9yocrc wrote

Reply to comment by croakjob in Ouch by PharaoRamsesII

They're basically the same as why some people used to call the TV the "tube". They're vacuum tubes.

Nowadays audio equipment is basically the only use for vacuum tubes and even then they are more of a niche product as most people use "solid state" amplifiers.


andysaurus_rex t1_j9wifv8 wrote

My biggest frustration with many online reviewers is that they are primarily influencers, because it gets them more views. They measure success in how successful the unit they reviewed positively was, and they take partial credit for how popular they are. Or they’ll say things in revised versions of a product like “the manufacturer listened to my advice” as if they have that much pull.

What I’m trying to say boils down to this. The reviews you watch on YouTube are hyped up. They want you to buy what they’re reviewing especially using the affiliate link in the description.

I’m painting with a broad stroke here but even the ones who are not paid by the manufacturer ARE still influencers.


andysaurus_rex t1_j9wbth5 wrote

So a few things of note.

  1. This is undoubtedly the most British post and dilemma I've ever come across, well done.

  2. ballscratcher did ultimately sell you on a product quickly and effectively while the first shop took a long time to get back to you and seemed to act as if you were wasting their time. If you don't like interacting with people you may not find agreeable, you should just shop online. No hard feelings and just make sure you have a good return policy from whoever you purchase from. But since you're already here I would go back to Mr. Ballscratcher and make the purchase that you preferred the best.