
angrybird7677 t1_j2duhip wrote

When u are thinking a thought, do you feel the thought forms in your head or in other parts of your body? For me at least, I imagined myself having the thoughts coming through from my head... Perhaps I was brainwashed into learning that the brain is in my skull, therefore the thought comes from there? Hence my preconceived notion?


angrybird7677 OP t1_j2ds5id wrote

>Spending it just tells the people who make the budget that you do in fact need the amount allocated to you and to not give some of it to someone else.

Lol. An analogy of this would be a family has 10 children. Each meal, every kid is given an equal portion of food. Sometimes Timmy feels full and doesn't finish his food, so mom gives him less in the future. Because of this rule, every kid are forced to finish their food even if they're not hungry. And that's how the 10 kids got fat


angrybird7677 OP t1_j2dr94j wrote

I don't think so.... How can unspent dollar from budgeting be treated as this year's profits? Profit is the amount gained from gross revenue less expenses. If I did not sell an item, how can the saved amount from expenditure be treated as profit? And doesn't this budgeted fund come from previous years earnings? So those would have been taxed before previously. If they taxed it again wouldn't it be double taxing?


angrybird7677 OP t1_j2dqijr wrote

>. If the business owner sees one department consistently not spending their full budget, they think that department doesn’t need that budget

This kind of thinking is prevalent in my company too (a project manager told me the exact same thing), but isn't it mind boggling they will think like this? Why don't they ask the dept why? Perhaps they were really able to help the company save money? There should be a policy that saved monies can be carried over to future years which the dept can draw from in case of real emergency.

Just imagine the amount each company can save if everyone adopts a cost savings attitude


angrybird7677 OP t1_j2dpunj wrote

This is what's infuriating and confusing to me. If a typical family spends their budget like how a company does, there would be much less $$$ saved annually, just because we need to spend every single cent annually. I just don't understand why a company don't see savings can be stored in the coffers for future rainy days.