
antiMATTer724 t1_j1symiu wrote

Part of me wants to believe Batgirl jist wasn't going to be good, and it was a mercy killing, but how the fuck do you have a 99-100% finished movie and not even release it in streaming? WB has made some shitty decisions in r3cent memory, but this one really irks me.


antiMATTer724 t1_iwn513o wrote

I haven't read up on it in a while. My understanding is that he made some off-color comments around female xaat members that made them really uncomfortable.

Edit: quick Google search saidnhe was harassing and verbally abusing cast.

Final edit: had nothing to do with the women in the cast, and everything to do with him being verbally abusive. Initially the speculation was him making inappropriate comments, which which was assumed at the time to be code for sexual harassment.