anurodhp t1_iui3o6w wrote
Reply to comment by Workacct1999 in They caught the Brighton Peeping Tom by capnlumps
you know what, we can speculate but in this case its pretty easy to see what happens. so lets see what happens. I know breaking and entring is actually on the do not prosecute list in your county. If he is even prosecuted, does bail fund show up? they haven not shied away from helping rapists get out and attack new people while on bail in the past.
anurodhp t1_iuhgymr wrote
Reply to comment by Lespecialpackage in They caught the Brighton Peeping Tom by capnlumps
Not really, bail fund will make sure he’s back on the streets asap.
anurodhp t1_iuephtu wrote
Reply to comment by arichi in Mayor Tom Menino passed away 8 years ago today. by Nobiting
Manny ortez?
Edit: apologies to mumbles, manny ortez was actually John Kerry trying to talk like one of us peasants.
anurodhp t1_iud2qd9 wrote
A reminder that mayor of Boston is a lifetime appointment
anurodhp t1_iublty3 wrote
Reply to The face of opposition to Question 1 admits proposed tax wouldn’t hurt him much: ‘I’m not struggling’ - The Boston Globe by petepont
Drives me nuts when people say this will give more money to something. If you read the question there is nothing in it that says funding will increase for school or transport just that this money will go to it. You may actually have a decrease in funding if revenues from this tax are insufficient and politicians allocate money that would have gone here to other projects
anurodhp t1_iteuewg wrote
Reply to comment by Physicist_Gamer in Questions 5 and 6 seem like a no brainer to me. Anyone want to try and change my mind? by MarcoVinicius
Brookline has more questions, not these about raising funds .
anurodhp OP t1_isoh319 wrote
>Few tenants know that such software, owned by a privately held company, has had a hand in rent increases across the country.
In Boston, renter Kaylee Hutchinson said she was puzzled when her landlord—unbeknownst to her, a RealPage client—told her days into the first pandemic lockdowns that her rent was going up. Building staff insisted that the market rate for her apartment was 6.5% higher than she was paying, despite her protests that people were fleeing the city.
anurodhp t1_iuiafnq wrote
Reply to comment by Workacct1999 in They caught the Brighton Peeping Tom by capnlumps
as i said lets see what happens. if he is actually prosecuted and not let out on the street again i will concede that i was in correct, if you find that to be unreasonable or outrageous, you may be the one who needs to take a walk.