
anurodhp t1_j1m0fly wrote

Have you looked at how Western Europe unilaterally disarmed and now is entirely dependent on the us?

The help ukraine is getting now is technology and techniques developed in peacetime. Things like he poster above would consider wasteful. Tech doesn’t develop overnight. It takes years or decades (usually in peace)


anurodhp t1_iuijr5f wrote

their motto is 'free tham all" and in the past have been involved in getting rapists back on the streets to rape again.

"The Massachusetts Bail Fund said in a statement Wednesday that it bails out people based on financial need “regardless of charge or court history” because it believes pretrial detention is “harmful and racist.”

"The bail fund posted $15,000 for the release of Shawn McClinton, a convicted sex offender facing rape charges. Prosecutors say McClinton raped a woman just weeks after his July release. "

this guys offenses are far milder than rape. My assertion is they will likely work to get him out so he can keep doing what he does until trial. I hope to be proven wrong but nothing about ma bail funds history makes me think i will be.