
app_priori t1_iwnul9x wrote

You mean WMATA?

Having grew up in Boston and spent most of my live there before moving here, WMATA is much better than the MBTA by a long shot.

The system is cleaner, goes much further out to the suburbs and the buses arrive on time for the most part.

MBTA suffers from being built a long time ago. There's too much deferred maintenance, and it's really impacted the quality and usability of the system over the past ten years. Perhaps WMATA might eventually suffer from that too but I hope they keep up with the maintenance.


app_priori t1_ivk664r wrote

NoMa is very block by block. While it is by and large safe, it can feel sketchy in spots, especially in the areas near the public housing developments. I've heard it was way, way sketchier in the past. That said, you can save $100 to $200 a month living in NoMa, though, as the rents are typically lower there..

Wharf is cool but it's also expensive and not nearly as close to the Metro as you think it is unless you live directly by the Metro station at Waterfront. I like visiting the Wharf every now and then, but in general I could never see myself living there.

I personally live in Gallery Place/Chinatown and love it here. Sure the apartment buildings in the are older but the area is far more convenient to transit. If you take Amtrak often, you will surely appreciate the proximity to Union Station. I recommend Gallery Place/Chinatown out of the three for sure.

I am personally not bothered by the noise in Chinatown... If noise is a concern, NoMa is a better bet.


app_priori t1_iujrw8s wrote

True but unless you want to live in an economically-disadvantaged area, you are only really saving $200 a month by renting a place with roommates in a place like Canton or Federal Hill compared to DC. Maryland/Baltimore income taxes are also higher than DC.

Most places in Fells/Canton/Upper Fells go for about $700 to $900 if you are seeking a place with roommates. DC you can do the same if you look into the right places like Mt. Pleasant or Columbia Heights.

Now, if you insist on living alone, then Baltimore might make a bit more sense. But even still that commute once a week from outside Mount Vernon is going to be a bit of doozy regardless.

Also the MARC can sometimes be unreliable. Trains can get cancelled at a moment's notice.


app_priori OP t1_iugvir1 wrote

One of my friends bought a house in Baltimore. Same house would have gone for 50% or 75% more in DC. She enjoys living in Baltimore, but for her, moving to Baltimore was the equivalent of moving back home. (She grew up in a rural part of northern Maryland.)

I've visited her in Baltimore twice already, her neighborhood is really nice, has a somewhat similar vibe to Petworth.