argument_sketch OP t1_j26g7yu wrote
Reply to comment by Academic_Guava_4190 in This Dunkin’ Donuts has a conference room for customers. by argument_sketch
argument_sketch t1_j0lx7o4 wrote
Reply to comment by CatH2222 in Restaurants Open on Christmas Day? by LowBarometer
Holy cow, there’s a ton!!! How did Go Providence miss them all?
argument_sketch t1_j0lhq3m wrote
Reply to comment by CatH2222 in Restaurants Open on Christmas Day? by LowBarometer
There’s only one on that list open on Christmas day, though (Bellini, Beatrice hotel), what OP was looking for.
argument_sketch t1_iytka5g wrote
Reply to Takeout similar to England by nalgeneandgangrene
Sorry for the news, but its Ye Olde English in Woonsocket, RI.
argument_sketch t1_ivtuupo wrote
The Dive Bar supposedly went because the lease went up after the WooSox came in. Is a lot of this other stuff unintended consequences of higher leases? Just guessing, but curious.
argument_sketch t1_ivoglfi wrote
Reply to comment by gm33 in For the love of God, stop blocking intersections at traffic lights by [deleted]
argument_sketch t1_iv4mxya wrote
Reply to Best restaurants in the downtown area? by pot_roast14
argument_sketch t1_iunnkf1 wrote
Reply to comment by southofthetower in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Florida takes $51 billion more from the federal government then they make in taxes. New York gives the federal government $22 billion more than they taken in taxes.
Red States have lower taxes because they are welfare states.
argument_sketch t1_iumzbyc wrote
Reply to Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
How the f*** did we get to this point in America? I'm completely heartbroken about the direction the right wants to take this country.
argument_sketch OP t1_iuk829o wrote
Reply to comment by Styx_Renegade in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
I'd give 'em to you for nothing if I had extras, but I kinda wanna keep them :-)
argument_sketch OP t1_iuk50ly wrote
Reply to comment by FawmahRhoDyelindah in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
Im sort of weird with memorabilia. Im not a pack rat, and I dont have gobs of boxes. But mags, newspapers, concert stubs… dont take up much room
argument_sketch OP t1_iujvbaa wrote
Reply to comment by JasonDJ in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
I do, but only new ones
argument_sketch OP t1_iujv875 wrote
Reply to comment by GlowingAgogo in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
I thought I had the “pave the bay” one too, but I can’t find it 😊
argument_sketch OP t1_iujv5d0 wrote
Reply to comment by Alarmed_Nebula3917 in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
ha ha
argument_sketch OP t1_iujuwvd wrote
Reply to comment by brewce47 in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
Back in the 70s I honestly switched between them and WBCN. BCN was radical back then. Living in Rhode Island I could get both.
argument_sketch OP t1_iujupjd wrote
Reply to comment by smoooothpants in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
argument_sketch t1_iucwpko wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [OC] Number of Costco vs Sam's Club Stores across US States by icywatermelons
Love this answer :-) but, no - gotta go to Dedham or Avon in MA
argument_sketch t1_iu8naep wrote
Reply to comment by Fantastic-Surprise98 in Illegal to Pump Your Own Gas? by Curly_kayla
Milford lifted the ban in 2018. But the requirements are so onerous, many haven’t bothered switching.
argument_sketch t1_itu1tvl wrote
Reply to parking lots and hours by YoureInMyWaySir
$20 overnight at new garage near Garrahy courthouse. Very close to Arcade. My new goto.
Arcade garage closes overnight (for all but passholders), so annoying.
argument_sketch t1_itimo66 wrote
Reply to comment by gusterfell in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Republicans are always against regulation because they don’t care about our future. As long as we’re all fat and happy with our low oil and gas prices, they don’t care that our children and grandchildren will grow up with the destructive results of climate change.
How about I throw all the toxic waste I produce over into your yard instead of disposing it properly for more expense? Because if you wanna stop me, that’s OVER-REGULATION!
I’ve never seen anybody more shortsighted than a republican
argument_sketch t1_itgp76j wrote
Reply to comment by Brotendo88 in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
So a Republican is talking about the government controlling prices… not against it, just doesn’t sound very free market for a conservative.
argument_sketch t1_isex809 wrote
Reply to comment by ace_vagrant in Car barrels through Honey Dew Donut shop in Worcester, Massachusetts by guru-1337
Try a honey dew bagel. Bigger than DD and closer to right texture (I like ny style not bready panera style)
argument_sketch t1_isbu0oy wrote
Reply to comment by Oyadonchano in Car barrels through Honey Dew Donut shop in Worcester, Massachusetts by guru-1337
FAR better food than Dunkin’ I don’t know how people don’t know this yet
argument_sketch t1_is055rt wrote
Reply to Garage C at Green Airport by clambo14
It always felt like this garage wasn’t owned by the same entity that owned A and B. But I like their app and their prices. I think they used to be a legit garage C but I don’t know when it changed.
argument_sketch OP t1_j26i57s wrote
Reply to comment by The_Turnakit in This Dunkin’ Donuts has a conference room for customers. by argument_sketch