artificialavocado t1_j7l3vy8 wrote
Reply to comment by Redlar in Bigfoot sighting in pa deemed credible by people who believe in bigfoot. by mynameisalso
I mean I don’t think I would be like balling hysterically or anything but animal stuff gets to me anymore. I got 2 cats a few years ago which I adore and it rubbed off on all animals now.
But yeah part of it would be from the repairs lol.
artificialavocado t1_j7knot2 wrote
Reply to comment by jashxn in Does Pennsylvania DMV a require your social security number just to make an appt. For behind the wheel test? by Admirable_Baker_1492
artificialavocado t1_j7knem4 wrote
Reply to Does Pennsylvania DMV a require your social security number just to make an appt. For behind the wheel test? by Admirable_Baker_1492
I don’t think she is doing identity theft. It is even worse than that. I think she asked for it so she can try to see if it is “fake” and try to somehow check immigration status with that. I used date a girl that was born in Mexico and she had people pull this kind of shit with her it is disgusting. I used to have that in the back of my mind in these little shit towns that Karen would get pissed she was with a white dude and try making trouble.
artificialavocado t1_j7kma7t wrote
Reply to comment by mynameisalso in Bigfoot sighting in pa deemed credible by people who believe in bigfoot. by mynameisalso
Man that sucks. I’m such a wimp I would probably cry if I hit a bobcat or even a deer with my car lol.
artificialavocado t1_j7kcaud wrote
Reply to comment by KindKill267 in Bigfoot sighting in pa deemed credible by people who believe in bigfoot. by mynameisalso
Ugh I forgot they let people trap bobcats. I try not to judge but I don’t know how someone could kill a bobcat or a black bear for that matter.
artificialavocado t1_j7kaqpe wrote
Reply to comment by KindKill267 in Bigfoot sighting in pa deemed credible by people who believe in bigfoot. by mynameisalso
Not necessarily. There are bobcat here and I’ve never seen one hit by a car. Cats like that are very elusive and have a much lower population density than stuff like deer since it takes a lot of area to have enough prey for them to eat. A lot of ppl in my area think they never left I disagree with that. They are migrating in from the Black Hills in South Dakota.
artificialavocado t1_j7jin21 wrote
Reply to comment by KindKill267 in Bigfoot sighting in pa deemed credible by people who believe in bigfoot. by mynameisalso
The thing is mountain lions are actually a thing that actually exist in the actual world. Big Foot is made up.
artificialavocado t1_j7fnjfy wrote
Reply to comment by ODDBOY90 in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Yeah that’s gonna be hard. I’m in the coal region I bought one for 6k a few months ago. I went to HS with the guy he has a good reputation around here for being a straight shooter some of these places are just out to scam people.
artificialavocado t1_j7fejqq wrote
Reply to comment by Hoppiness83 in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
You guys seem to think it is some right handed down from God to own a shitty restaurant or small business. Nobody has a “right” to profit. If people aren’t being paid an amount they can live on then it has no point of existing. I’m not sure why this is so controversial.
artificialavocado t1_j7fa5eu wrote
Reply to comment by ODDBOY90 in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
That’s a tough one used cars are so damn expensive anymore but anywhere outside of the city public transportation kind of sucks it seems.
artificialavocado t1_j7f6g1m wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Doubtful. There is no mechanism even in place my understanding it was outside of the IRS jurisdiction. It was a handout to placate the petty bourgeois.
artificialavocado t1_j7f69n4 wrote
Reply to comment by ODDBOY90 in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
I’ve been paying on mine for almost 15 years. Paid back $65,000 out of around $50,000 that I originally borrowed. That $10,000 would have zeroed me out. I about cried when I heard it I have enough money banked to put a decent down payment down but I guess that will have to wait another year. Yeah I hate it here too man.
Where did you want to move to?
artificialavocado t1_j7f5zrf wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Yeah I know they really should do another round of PPP handouts. It will all trickle down eventually right?
artificialavocado t1_j7bn6fw wrote
Reply to Is it even worth washing the salt off my car if it’s still on the road? It’s caked with salt… by PivotalPosture
You don’t just want it off the paint. Spray in the wheel wells and underneath a bit as well.
artificialavocado t1_j7bdkme wrote
Reply to Who is from punxsutawney ? And / or who was there to see Phil for groundhog day ? by Least_Firefighter639
I’m kind of surprised you guys in Australia even know about this lol. You think that is mostly due to the movie? For the record we all know it isn’t real we just all decided we would pretend it is. But yes, lots of drinking. Australians would fit in perfectly.
I think it is mildly funny that among many thing Americans get the reputation for being bad at geography. There is probably some truth to that but I knew South Australia was a state. The other day in a different sub someone was from Belgium and was trying to explain where it was like “a small country in Western Europe between Netherlands and France.” I’m thinking “have people not heard of Belgium before?” 🤦🏻♂️😆
artificialavocado t1_j78h2eq wrote
Reply to comment by porkchop_d_clown in John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
I voted for him too. He’s the only politician or candidate I ever donated to. Not only are his positions good but I feel he actually believes in them and will fight for them. I knew people in PA would like his “look” too. If “Pennsylvania Man” was a thing it would be John. It good to know one of the most progressive guys in congress is from here.
artificialavocado t1_j78215h wrote
Reply to comment by SophiaofPrussia in John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
Omg you people today yes I know that is his family Jesus. I thought it was pretty clear I meant the cretins in DC. I think I done with Reddit for the day.
artificialavocado t1_j77ztwb wrote
Reply to comment by Yelloeisok in John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
What standing there looking displeased for one frame? No I’m more concerned with their constant misinformation, insane ranting and raving on the house floor or heckling someone when they are telling a story about their son dying from cancer.
artificialavocado t1_j77nwhe wrote
Reply to comment by Redlar in John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
I hope so too. We’ve seen DC change people over years I have my fingers crossed with John.
artificialavocado t1_j77ns62 wrote
Reply to John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
I remember seeing pictures of Obama in different meetings and with different advisors and you could almost see the low key distain on his face for the people around him. Yeah John is just wearing that shit in the open lol.
artificialavocado t1_j77nl3t wrote
Reply to comment by ripmaster-rick in John Fetterman's picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill by CQU617
It isn’t too bad. I was expecting the pants legs to show 3-4” of ankle and the jacket sleeves to be the same lol.
artificialavocado t1_j76zcdz wrote
Reply to comment by FreedomToBearHotdogs in Family found dead in Pennsylvania made a 'joint decision' to kill themselves, police say by JustMyOpinionz
I really don’t want to argue. Sure, life experience and mental illness could have certainly played a part. The article says people who knew them said the dad had almost a cult like reverence for Donald Trump and thought the world was going to end because he lost. I’ll go ahead and blame conservative media and ideology too. If you think democrats are lizard people and are doing child sacrifice in the basement of a pizza shop then you lost touch with reality and need help.
artificialavocado t1_j76o3cp wrote
Reply to comment by FreedomToBearHotdogs in Family found dead in Pennsylvania made a 'joint decision' to kill themselves, police say by JustMyOpinionz
I’m saying it is a horrible tragedy that saddens me while acknowledging religion could have played a part. Both of those things can be true at the same time.
artificialavocado t1_j76htt2 wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in Family found dead in Pennsylvania made a 'joint decision' to kill themselves, police say by JustMyOpinionz
Honestly as much as I dislike them these Supreme Court people are highly educated and extremely smart. They don’t do anything without at least the tacit approval from their donors. Normal people like you and me think “well the 1% already owns half the country that should be enough.” No, it isn’t enough. They want the other half or at least as much of that other half as possible. Their ideal society is something close to serfdom. So yeah you are correct they want to roll it back but religion is just a cudgel not necessarily the goal. Sorry rant over.
artificialavocado t1_j7lya02 wrote
Reply to Why does Amtrack service not extend to State College? by vortical42
I didn’t even know they ran passenger service from Pittsburgh to Philly.
Also all rail lines in the US should be seized and owned by the public. Maybe then we can actually get decent rail passenger service in this country.