artificialavocado t1_j6gnpd7 wrote
Reply to comment by GraffitiTavern in Want growth in Erie? Cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead by ToffeeFever
What’s a Georgist?
artificialavocado t1_j68gos3 wrote
Not sure I know what the eggs masses look like I’ll have to google it.
artificialavocado t1_j67q7yp wrote
Reply to comment by motobudtender in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
It has nothing to do with democrats man, please. This is a nationwide issue that goes far deeper than blue team or red team. These are our own damn people suffering like that. Within the past week I read 2 or 3 articles coming out of Utah talking on how bad the homelessness problem is there that they keep finding dead bodies frozen in the snow. This is unacceptable for supposedly the greatest country ever. We all should be hanging our heads in shame over this homelessness issue.
artificialavocado t1_j67pmna wrote
Reply to comment by motobudtender in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Whenever I heard someone say businesses will flee because of taxes it drives me nuts. What do you want to let them keep holding state and local government hostage over taxes all the time? Too many times we’ve seen I’m guessing being near where interstate 80 and 81 intersects plays some part but where I live there are plenty of jobs. They are just shitty ones where they work people half to death for a starvation wage. $15-16/hr wasn’t even that great 10 years ago let alone today. Nobody is “owed” cheap labor. Too many times these places come in and demand all these concessions and incentives promising the moon and stars that never materialize with zero accountability. I’ve personally seen it in my area at least 5 or 6 times over the past 10 years or so. Amazon being the worst offender in this.
artificialavocado t1_j67o76q wrote
Reply to comment by PatientNice in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
They “own the libs.” It makes conservatives feel good. It’s all about feelings with them.
artificialavocado t1_j63mhh7 wrote
Reply to comment by Deadendbend in Considering Moving (Teacher Employment Questions) Help? by doctorwhatdoctor
They have. This wasn’t PA but when I graduated college in 2007 two of my friends ended up teaching for a few years in other states. They didn’t even have teaching licenses. One was computer science he taught math in FL and the other was an English major who taught French in VA. Kidding, he taught English of course.
artificialavocado t1_j635f17 wrote
Reply to Comparing oil and electric prices for home heat? Debating buying a bunch of space heaters by Salty_Kangaroo_4522
I was going to ask but saw from one of your replies what your living situation looks like. It’s only me and my 2 cats in a half of a double (common in my part of the commonwealth) and I use oil I keep the temp pretty low but use space heaters to keep the chill out. An oil filled radiator style downstairs and a knock off edenpure up in my bedroom. I only really use the upstairs one when I have, um, “company.”
artificialavocado t1_j6020kj wrote
I don’t think I’ve ever been to Kane but I swear I’ve seen that carving before. 🤔
artificialavocado t1_j5z3src wrote
Yes it should be retroactive. I’m not sure of the specifics but if a company of a certain size is closing or doing beyond a certain amount of layoffs they are supposed to notify L&I so they can expedite the process for everyone effected.
artificialavocado t1_j5kik01 wrote
Reply to comment by highlandparkpitt in Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman And In Aisles At Walmart In Gettysburg: Police by jillianpikora
Thankfully nobody got stabbed. Stabbings have been down lately.
artificialavocado t1_j5kia6a wrote
Reply to comment by tukekairo in Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman And In Aisles At Walmart In Gettysburg: Police by jillianpikora
More like r/floridaman
artificialavocado t1_j5j5h4y wrote
Reply to comment by aquaticquiet in Stewed burgers. I'm really curious as to how many people know about them. by aquaticquiet
That’s like the one silver lining of living around here. The local foods are pretty damn awesome and you can’t find much of it once you leave the coal region. That reminds me I wanted to try getting over to Shenandoah this week to get a few pounds of kielbasa. That stuff is the best. Shenandoah was feeling a little too stabby the last time I was over there lol.
artificialavocado t1_j5izuen wrote
Yes. My brother makes them they are amazing. He does them on the grill and then puts them in a crock pot. You don’t even need a roll you can eat them with some potatoes and some corn or whatever. I think he just uses beef broth or maybe au jois.
Edit: if you are in the Skook maybe they are some coal region thing? I never thought of them as being a regional food.
artificialavocado t1_j5iolxp wrote
Interested to see what you come up with. You would almost have to go region by region.
artificialavocado t1_j54t1sf wrote
Reply to Just one off the grid pub crawl in PA? Small PA town w multiple bars w/ hotel so I dont have to DUI, not in a major city or college town by WWDB
You said no college town but State College has a great bar scene
artificialavocado t1_j51pw1v wrote
Reply to Heating oil ‘erroneously’ delivered to Pa. home that doesn’t use oil ends up in nearby waterway (erguson Twp., Centre County) by Jumpy-Natural4868
The PA DEP does their best but unfortunately they are basically a toothless agency. I worked for them in the early 2000’s. I wasn’t there are the time but was told by the older guys the when Republicans were in control of the state in the 90’s (Tom Ridge years IIRC). Any sort of fines has to go through the state attorney general. Not that that is inherently a problem but I can see a cleanup like this easy costing several million dollars and every best case scenarios 50% of oil recovery is considered a good recovery.
artificialavocado t1_j4htgcu wrote
Reply to comment by erdtirdmans in Seen in Harrisburg, Philly vernacular spreading west? by [deleted]
I dink yous guys need ta learn ta talk American.
artificialavocado t1_j4h73b3 wrote
Reply to comment by gggg500 in Seen in Harrisburg, Philly vernacular spreading west? by [deleted]
I never heard pry. Not so much the younger generation but the older folks can make the “th” sound. The number “three” sounds like “tree.” “With that” sounds like “wit dat.” I guess I’m used to it “yous” is about the only local thing that still makes me cringe. I know it’s not nice and isn’t fair but such poor grammar makes them sound stupid.
artificialavocado t1_j4gj6dj wrote
Philly slang? Pfft please. Come to the coal region that shit is damn near unintelligible.
artificialavocado t1_j4g88e7 wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
artificialavocado t1_j4g7wpt wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
We don’t deserve this planet. We really don’t.
artificialavocado t1_j4ba5jy wrote
Reply to comment by Phantom_spook in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
Look I’m not saying let’s tar and feather the guy but I think there should be a fine or something. I think the seasons run concurrently now but in the past guys were fined all the time for shooting doe they thought was a buck and vice versa. I swear the entitlement of some gun owners is infuriating. They want all the rights and privileges but none of the responsibility.
artificialavocado t1_j4aqg81 wrote
Well the stretch of 322 between Harrisburg and State College is pretty scenic. It’s been years but IIRC it follows the Juniata River.
The earth and mineral science museum on campus is pretty nice if they are into that kind of stuff. I’m pretty excited for the new anthropology museum but that isn’t opening until next year.
You should definitely hike Mount Nittany just so they can say they did it. It’s a pretty easy hike and the view is awesome.
r/Pennstateuniversity might have some good suggestions
artificialavocado t1_j4ao8al wrote
Reply to comment by ThinkySushi in Family things to do near Military Museum in Boalsburg by Mom-Lady
Does Meyers make teaberry?
artificialavocado t1_j6go39p wrote
Reply to Want growth in Erie? Cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead by ToffeeFever
Yes cutting taxes on the rich and corporations is a great way to increase revenue. /s
About 10 years ago the State of Kansas elected Sam Brownback as governor. He was a Koch operative who cut taxes so much that things got so bad in Kansas they pretty much ran him out of the state and elected a democrat. Naturally he was able to find a home in the Trump regime.