askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j4wuadr wrote
Reply to TIL the public library in Aarhus, Denmark has a 25-ft 3-ton bronze bell named 'The Gong' that rings every time a baby is born in the city. It is connected to the maternity ward in the local hospital, where mothers can press a button after giving birth to ring The Gong by ergotpoisoning
Great idea but not in a library
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j4vufg9 wrote
Reply to comment by Cassigirl21 in Ivan Provorov refuses to wear Pride Night-themed warmup jersey Philadelphia Flyers | TSN by abunchofjerks
The dude won’t show solidarity with gay ppl because he thinks there’s something wrong with being gay, if that’s not homophobia what is?
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j4vo4zz wrote
Reply to Ivan Provorov refuses to wear Pride Night-themed warmup jersey Philadelphia Flyers | TSN by abunchofjerks
Let him be homophobic and let people associate him with his prejudices.
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j27f3xl wrote
Reply to comment by Triskitguru in TIL green beans, pinto beans, kidney beans and many other beans are all the same species of bean. by Zemi99
Cucurbita pepo will make them commit acts of mindless violence and rage 😤
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j27bwbl wrote
Reply to comment by ___Dan___ in Trader Joe's take SNAP? by Equivalent_Alps_8321
Scrooge mcduck little bitch 🦆💰
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1wn1c0 wrote
Reply to comment by quitblazing in anyone looking for a dog ? seen this on a local FB group. by quitblazing
People, why the hell do we talk about pitbulls this way? They are animals created by people for the purpose of blood sport, but the second you acknowledge that they often act in accordance with this intention, everyone gets emotional. Your pitbull might be nice, but there’s a reason many people are uncomfortable around them.
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1w2d6d wrote
Reply to comment by Brotein_Shakez in anyone looking for a dog ? seen this on a local FB group. by quitblazing
They have a bad rep for a reason, they’re responsible for more lethal maulings than any other breed. And they’re the breed that ends up getting euthanized the most. I wish people would stop breeding them.
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1w19zj wrote
Reply to comment by nesquiksand2 in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
I thought the Ohio valley style was the closest to our own version?
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1w15l4 wrote
Reply to comment by TacoBean19 in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
I was surprised at how much I liked it
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1w12mm wrote
Reply to comment by thecrowfly in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
It’s not the same without the cigarette ash
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j0jw8hq wrote
Are we supposed to be mad at her for that?
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_izelvbh wrote
Reply to comment by mrsrtz in Can you visit St. Anthony's chapel ? by punkie23
Please observe an air of sensitivity and decorum while we show you magic fingerbones
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_iyar9pw wrote
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_ixmqldm wrote
Reply to comment by yakisikliadam in The “Bowl” at Frick park. by H0ff8675A
Sled hill by blue slide
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_ixmealz wrote
Reply to comment by MrPinkThompson in Popular Hiking Spots Around Pittsburgh? by jbartyy04
Love me a covered bridge
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_ixme8ig wrote
Reply to Popular Hiking Spots Around Pittsburgh? by jbartyy04
-raccoon creek has good hiking and a lake u can rent kayaks for
-settlers cabin is secluded and beautiful
-there’s a complex of state parks in the Laurel highlands (Kooser, Laurel ridge, linn run etc) that from my home in the eastern suburbs are about 45-50 mins to get to. Really lovely area.
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_ixmdzr3 wrote
Reply to comment by FuzzPunkMutt in Popular Hiking Spots Around Pittsburgh? by jbartyy04
Great flora there too. The moss, plant, and fungi varieties make you feel like you’re in the Laurel highlands (which of course are amazing but this is closer)
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_iuc4lx7 wrote
Why do people go to bars don’t they have living rooms
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_it2te5n wrote
Reply to comment by thinkB4WeSpeak in Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones [Punk Rock] by VodkaBunny7
It never went away you just gotta look harder for it
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_iszc04l wrote
Reply to comment by gotobreadflanders in Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones [Punk Rock] by VodkaBunny7
Let’s go
askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j5hiw4f wrote
Reply to TIL Galileo's finger is on display at the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy. by No_Visit8945
Catholic relic culture got me acting strange