atl_bowling_swedes t1_j9sglaz wrote
Reply to comment by Available-Reward-912 in Best place to get tacos? by OkProduct3849
I don't think you are. I loved this place and my last visit was also not very good. That was almost a year ago and I haven't been back since.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_j6a9fb0 wrote
Reply to comment by 1905band in So is is just me or is Gersi basically the worst Italian restaurant in Richmond? by Swrdmn
Yeah I guess I just haven't properly set my expectations. Dinamo and Edo's both disappointed me. I only tried each once though so maybe they both deserve another shot.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_j69u2hd wrote
Reply to comment by 1905band in So is is just me or is Gersi basically the worst Italian restaurant in Richmond? by Swrdmn
What are the small handful you have enjoyed? I moved down here about 10 years ago and was initially always disappointed so I gave up.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_j3suynr wrote
Reply to Dog training- 8m puppy nipping and barking just looking for basic puppy training that isn’t 2000$ any recommendations by blueyedgrl93
I love Level Up Dog Sports. They have a lot of really great trainers.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_j1hv2t1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in No water. Just me? by Campwithchamp
If pipes are frozen turn the faucets all the way on. That way when they thaw the water will have somewhere to go.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_iubxyrj wrote
Reply to comment by anonymous_subroutine in Where can I get a good bagel sandwich in this town? by u-turnsonthehighway
The previous poster said one of the partners for Mary Angela's said richmonders don't know good pizza so there is no reason to bother. My comment had nothing to do with the water.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_iuacv3q wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Where can I get a good bagel sandwich in this town? by u-turnsonthehighway
Is that why Mary Angela's pizza isn't very good?
atl_bowling_swedes t1_itctz7k wrote
Reply to Vet recommendations by MrSpankers69
Scott's Addition Animal Hospital is great, but not sure if they're taking new patients.
atl_bowling_swedes t1_ja2nler wrote
Reply to Daycares and nap times by Mindful_Mom_36
My kids' school does naps from 12:30-2:30. We started her there just after she turned 1. It really never impacted her nighttime sleep, and she did fine with the transition. By 18 months I think that should be appropriate sleep for your little one. It's hard to see now, but your baby will change a lot between now and then.