Wisconsin cave holds tantalizing clues to ancient climate changes, future shifts - New research shows rapid warmings of >10 °C in <10 years occurred repeatedly during the last glacial period in central North America, likely coinciding with Dansgaard-Oeschger warming events
news.wisc.eduSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_11hd578 in science
During the mid-Cretaceous approximately 94.5 million years ago the worlds oceans became nearly uninhabitable as rapid degassing of volcanic carbon dioxide altered seawater carbonate chemistry, triggering a global-scale episode of reduced marine oxygen levels known as Oceanic Anoxic Event 2.
smithsonianmag.comSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_112fbo1 in science
Submitted by avogadros_number t3_10e4byn in worldnews
Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts, Study Finds. Starting in the 1970s, scientists working for the oil giant made remarkably accurate projections of just how much burning fossil fuels would warm the planet.
nytimes.comSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_10a9a3u in science
Bering Land Bridge formed surprisingly late during last ice age, study finds - By reconstructing the sea level history of the Bering Strait, scientists found that the strait remained flooded until around 35,700 years ago, not long before humans began migrating into the Americas
news.ucsc.eduSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_100rmc8 in science
New Study Reveals Billions of Dollars in Political Spending by US Trade Associations, Most of It on PR - Out of $3.4 billion spent by trade associations over 10 years, nearly $2.2 billion went towards advertising and promotion, with the oil and gas industry the biggest spender.
desmog.comSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_zm476u in science
The world's current climate pledges are insufficient to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. We will overshoot. In new research, scientists chart several potential courses in which the overshoot period is shortened, in some cases by decades.
pnnl.govSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_yshfnx in science
Negligible climatic impact of the recent methane leak from the Nord Stream pipelines - Methane emissions related to the recent explosions would result in an increase in the average global surface air temperature of just 0.000018 degrees Celsius over a 20-year period.
eurekalert.orgSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_ysh2ev in science
Ancient ocean methane not an immediate climate change threat - New research has directly shown that large reservoirs of natural ocean methane in mid-latitude regions will not be catastrophically released to the atmosphere under warming conditions.
rochester.eduSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_ycwe4s in science
Traditionally, the drainage of water from beneath ice sheets is thought to stabilise ice flow by removing lubricating water from the ice sheet bed; however, new findings highlight a currently overlooked process that can rapidly switch on beneath melting ice sheets.
carbonbrief.orgSubmitted by avogadros_number t3_xwneba in science