axeville t1_islgla5 wrote
Reply to comment by TankVet in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
Pretty sure maryland does this.
axeville OP t1_iriodv7 wrote
Reply to comment by tigerlily_223 in PA Foliage question for Fall 2022. How are they doing? by axeville
Yins/Youse guys are the best. Thank you!
Submitted by axeville t3_xxzotf in Pennsylvania
axeville t1_irejs84 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Democratic lawmakers introduce bill to stop wage theft in PA by susinpgh
That's what anti union people say all the time.
axeville t1_irec6l3 wrote
Easy answer is don't take those jobs. /s
Edit: what every anti union person says.
Edit2: require evidence of health ins for all service contracts. Otherwise the feds are subsidizing exchange coverage instead of employers.
axeville t1_irb6y56 wrote
Uhhh maybe the cops should get the guy an Uber ride home for $20 instead of smashing someone else's car (or a pedestrian or a cow or whatever)
axeville t1_irargzg wrote
Give us your money. Alllll your money. To prevent the evil govt from taking it from you. Lol.
Will there be hats and buttons and blankets to purchase ? You bet there will!!! Stock up now Christmas is around the corner. Fight back in the war on Christmas with some genuine Trump is Jesus flags!!! Lmao 🤣. Do we take credit cards? You bet! Why not donate to our legal defense fund while you're at it! We need YOUR money!!!
This is such a naked money grab I can't believe how many people think this is legit politics. A political rally doesn't charge admission fees (you dumbass).
axeville t1_isu9k5r wrote
Reply to U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
I'm so fired up to vote I'll probably vote multiple times /s