
azul360 t1_j253qtt wrote

Honestly more focus on the location and actors in that location. My favorites BY FAR were the Italian actors this season and I really hope we get more of that next season. I feel like the first season had a tiny bit of a focus on Hawaii but it felt like it could have been anywhere. Season 2 really focused on the regions and love of the locations and it felt so much better.


azul360 t1_j24ttek wrote

I tried to watch the first season but.....holy crap the son is the worst. Dude makes THE WORST decisions every time there is a possible decision and was so unlikable I kept hoping he'd just go to jail and the show was over.


azul360 t1_iu5zf24 wrote

Yeah I lose attachment. Honestly I find myself that way too with weekly shows. I'll get halfway through the show after a billion weeks and realize that I'm not in the mood for the show anymore and just drop them. That's why I binge instead but yeah if it's 3 years until a new season then I just drop the show. GoT was the same. Terrible ending and a billion years for a spin-off just made me not care. I tried watching it and just dropped it right before the time jump. Found myself wondering if I even cared enough to keep watching if the characters I liked were going to be entirely new actors and the answer was no.