
babysauruslixalot t1_ixs15w9 wrote

it's becoming a trend.. at home removal.. because they charge you a stupid amount to do it (my first one when it was partially coming out.. i got slapped with an $800 bill, refusal for insurance to pay because they thought it was elective AND refusal to pay for a new one until the first one "expired" - it took some arguing with insurance for them to understand this was an emergency removal since my uterus shoved it out and it was hangin halfway out of my cervix)


babysauruslixalot t1_iwtfl10 wrote

you've clearly never been to a gyno.. it's hilarious to 99.99% of women who have been.

you might want to take some marketing classes to learn how to promote your business..

oh and maybe learning how to read the rules while you're at it.. theres only 7 rules and you've broken 6 of them