
badquarter t1_iz1ohi1 wrote

The bars that are now Lighthorse and Iron Monkey have been bars for about 100 years. Just not the same owners, not the same names, closed for stretches (including prohibition), but were always bars from what I understand.

edit: Also does Keyhole count since it was Rolon's before then sold? Barge Inn may be the answer. Or how old is Indio's?


badquarter t1_iysikvo wrote

Thanks. I thought there would have been train tracks on what would be 17th and Henderson at the time. I thought those were cleared out for I assume where the Acme is today. What year did it exist?

By the way, did you used to help at voting stations on election day in Ward B by any chance?


badquarter t1_iy81j37 wrote

I get the unpopular timing of this because of the schools jacking up our taxes, but does no one else think it's cool that we'll have this in Jersey City?

The author cites upcoming exhibitions at the main Pompidou by artists who might not have big name recognition to people who aren't into art, but there have been exhibitions for Matisse, Kandinsky, Freud, Munch, Richter, Dali, Twombley, etc etc.