bananafishandchips t1_jdc6tfq wrote
Dead to me.
bananafishandchips t1_j0jw7fn wrote
Reply to comment by cC2Panda in Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
Yeah, and who was it who prescribed all those opioids? Was it…doctors?
bananafishandchips t1_j0iomg1 wrote
Reply to comment by just4u11 in Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
You know that NPs deliver babies and provide anesthesia and do a host of other high risk procedures. Prescribing medication is certainly no more dangerous that doing those things. And they need a DEA license depending on the drug schedule, so that's another safeguard. And show me one doctor who actually reviews the scrips NPs under them write. I don't know any, and know plenty of MDs and NPs
bananafishandchips t1_j0inzzw wrote
Reply to comment by Hickawa in Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
underscore the old fuck who's not really interested and emphasize that's exactly why NPs are appropriate solutions for almost every routine medical issue. we already let them deliver babies and administer anesthesia--there's nothing more life and death that that.
bananafishandchips t1_iug2npp wrote
Reply to comment by iGrrRS in As a native Passaic County resident, Happy Goosey Night! by StrangeMorris
Bergen County raised here and team Goosey.
bananafishandchips t1_irkwo14 wrote
Reply to comment by Vicarious-Lee-Eye in Spotted 3 Deer in Liberty State Park yesterday evening by CoercivePax
Have seen fox, pheasant, possum, raccoon, deer, rabbit, rats, of course, a skunk, heron, and wild turkey in LSP. It’s like Fantasia up in there.
bananafishandchips t1_jdkxbdt wrote
Reply to A Campaign for Eminent Domain: Sign the Petition for the State of NJ to Acquire Fireman's Golf Course to Expand Liberty State Park by nuncio_populi
Vote, sign on the dotted line, send a message that New Jersey belongs to the people and not plutocrats. Share to your hometown subreddit too!