baxterstate t1_iu4beu2 wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Kuster Trailing in New NHJournal Poll, With Hassan Tied and Leavitt Close - NH Journal by slimyprincelimey
It is misogynistic to say that. Just like questioning or even reporting on John Fetterman’s cognitive and communication abilities is Ableism.
baxterstate t1_ituesi6 wrote
Why’s she coming here? Are there any close races where her presence would tip the balance?
baxterstate t1_itqoj5x wrote
Reply to comment by BF1shY in Jury Duty…has anyone really experienced consequences for not showing up? by [deleted]
I was a juror on a domestic murder trial. Went home each night, no free food and they confiscated everyone’s phone during the trial. I wondered how would I’ve gotten properly compensated if I’d been self employed? I believe we should have a system of full time professional jurors who are trained in law and how to disregard lawyerly tactics. As it is, there are cases where it will be hard to find a jury who hasn’t heard of the case and has not made up their minds. Trained, professional jurors will be trained in setting aside their biases; sort of like if you take a debating class, you’re taught to switch sides and argue the opposing point of view.
baxterstate t1_itq39o6 wrote
Reply to Left lane campers by CPgang
These people are self appointed speed limit monitors.
baxterstate t1_itpjc1q wrote
There’s an easy way to avoid jury duty. Don’t be on the list of potential jurors. That census card they send to you each year asking for the names of all residents in the house or apartment; don’t send it back. It says right on it that failure to send it back may result in removal from voting list. It’s also used to create a juror pool. Not being able to vote is a small price to pay for not getting called for jury duty.
baxterstate t1_isy2931 wrote
Reply to comment by No___ImRight in Biden to release 15M barrels from oil reserve, more possible by cacarca
We desperately need to bring down the cost of oil to prevent Republicans from winning the midterms. Isn’t that enough of a crisis?
baxterstate t1_isuwyns wrote
Reply to Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
I like Golden, I plan to vote for him. The true test will be if he goes after those in his own party with the same zeal as he goes after Republicans.
baxterstate t1_isfuulr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Bill to allow father of an unborn child to petition the court for an injunction prohibiting the biological mother from having an abortion. by Final_Act6703
"You're on some men's rights activism bullshit."
I don't know what you mean by this. Yes or No; should the biological father have a say as to whether or not the fetus is carried to term?
I believe if the biological father wants the child to be born, he MUST be made financially responsible. If however, the biological mother wants the child to be born and the father does not, and the mother gives birth, the father should not be financially responsible.
This is not "bullshit". It's called FAIRNESS.
baxterstate t1_isd7hr6 wrote
Reply to Bill to allow father of an unborn child to petition the court for an injunction prohibiting the biological mother from having an abortion. by Final_Act6703
If the biological father wanted the mother to have an abortion, does she have the right not to and force him to pay child support?
Does a biological father have any choice?
baxterstate t1_irjzwc0 wrote
Reply to The trolls in this subreddit are getting outrageous. Cant the mods do anything about this?? Please? by Nevaknosbest
I miss the old New Hampshire when the Manchester Union Leader ruled.
baxterstate t1_iricrgf wrote
If I were a contractor or builder I’d be working on a lakefront home or a Mountain View mansion. There’s so few contractors and builders that they all can get enough of the high end work to keep themselves busy.
Too bad, because NH needs more entry level housing and as the boomers die or retire, the younger generations aren’t going into the trades.
baxterstate t1_iu4buho wrote
Reply to comment by tehgreengiant in Spotted in Wales. Please vote Nov. 8th because this guy will, too. 😑 by Chamelion117
Absolutely!! Only Democrats should have the right to call people Nazis, Racists, Ableists, etc.