
bayb33gurl t1_ja887k7 wrote

The thing is one of the items is from Urb, which does 3rd party test and I am having suspicions that it might be a replica issues just like we saw with vapes. The only two things to draw from this is either companies (like Urb) who 3rd party test can't be trusted or illegitimate companies are posing as reputable D8 companies, using their packaging and selling fake products that look like the real brand.


bayb33gurl t1_ja87iur wrote

>Urb is generally known as one of the reputable brands of d8/d9 hemp derived products.

This is what stood out to me when I read the article. I mainly stick with 3Chi but I have had Urb gummies before that I purchased at a very reputable place, same place that sells my 3chi. This place only sells items that have the breakdown test results of what's in it and so my question is, are these ones that were sold in the shops from the article "replicas" I know we saw that in the vape market, even brands like Puff Bar was being replicated and they had to start putting verification codes that you would input on their site to see if it was an authentic product bc many were completely replicated and considered dangerous (more dangerous I should say since vaping isn't the healthiest idea either)