
t1_j291bo5 wrote

Move to an HOA then where that shit is an enforceable option.


Of course you'll be surrounded by Karens freaking out that your trash can sat on the curb for an extra 30 seconds or your flowers don't conform to the palette of approved colors but hey- you won't have to suffer the visual horror of vinyl siding.


t1_j28zsok wrote

when was the last time you saw the Atlantic Ocean flooding RT 95??? Never, that's when.

Too bad it was "ocean proof" or "rain proof" and RI had to go with the ocean proofing option. In retrospect, not such a bright idea... But it fits coming from the state of Warmer/Cooler and "Vote Buddy- A man of Conviction".


t1_j1x32ux wrote

when I was in for one of my (many...) knee surgeries the guy next to me was getting a nerve block for shoulder surgery. They turned off his arm and took him shortly before it was my turn under the knife.

I woke up to him screaming in agony as the nerve block had worn off already...


t1_iw7tqdl wrote

If you use the Shoreliner East (closest free lot is in Old Saybrook, exit 68 off 95. CT is does NOT use mile based exit on 95 yet), you have to change trains New Haven to the Metro North system. That will get you into NYC at Grand Central Station and from there you can access the Subway system or catch an uber/lyft/taxi to your end destination. Use the Trip Planner to remove the pain of figuring out which train you need to get on when the transfer happens for both outbound and inbound trips.

If you're using Amtrak- it'll drop you at Penn Central Station, which also has easy access to the subway but is nowhere near Grand Central. The earlier you get your tickets/closer to NYC- the cheaper they'll be.


t1_iw3ehxm wrote

As long as you get one from Rhode Island- it's effectively free to own minus the account minimum requirement. Some States (NY/NJ/Maryland) charge a monthly maintenance fee if you don't meet some usage requirement, RI doesn't as long your statement is delivered by email. And as a RI resident, with RI plates it'll get you over the bridge a lot cheaper than the pay by mail option (once you provide the support documentation).


t1_ivhqr3l wrote

Nope, I would say it helps having a RI area code number (the closest Cingular dealer to me was in RI when I got my first cell phone, its been a while...) but I don't get anything from Rhode Island political groups either.

Somehow I lucked out and get utterly ignored by both sides. In both states.


t1_ivfpoe8 wrote

Reply to comment by in Common Massachusetts W by

Fuck Nixon, his sabotaging the Paris Peace to win the election and extend the war talks cost me 2 Uncle's (they were drafted in 69 and 70 ,served in Vietnam and and later killed themselves thanks to PTSD they suffered as a result).


t1_iufx8ls wrote

Guessing that they saw a same sex couple holding hands in downtown, one was probably flashing ankle (the scandal!!!!) and their sad little repressed self can't handle that others can be true, while they can't.


Really sounds like they need a good orgy up in P-Town to loosen up and mellow out. That and a geography lesson...