
beleidigtewurst OP t1_ixz6lfq wrote

> Anyway I tried the same test with my hd58x and Arias and i've got the same result as the Diokos, no rattling sound or nothing else I think.


It's mine and daughter's at this point, so makes me wonder.

Could you answer this specific question please: do you hear absolutely nothing "else" at the end of the every third low frequency "beep", when it goes from beeps of one frequency, to another?


beleidigtewurst OP t1_ixyzwb4 wrote

> Why do you even care about fake internet points?

I had a weird experience in one of the songs ("Counting Stars" very early and periodically weird sound, which I'm too bad at English to describe... perhaps "scratching a string"?), so went to check it and could only find youtube videos (first tried spotify but it only has songs).

And what is there to downvote for?

What are the better ways to test things, when one has doubts? (I need to determine whether they are flawed or not, to decide whether I keep them, return them and ask for a replacement)

>And there is no answer because not many people have the diokos and have the time to do this kind of test.

One could test it with any headphones and share the findings.

>Anyway I did the test with the diokos, no ratttling sound from my end.


I've also tried it with Wireless Sony mx4s and can still hear it, so maybe I"m describing "rattling" wrong or got more than one set of flawed headphones.

Do you hear absolutely nothing "else" at the end of the every third low frequency "beep"?