bethebumblebee OP t1_jacgwlu wrote
Reply to comment by croco-verde in Website that allows you to visually select the muscle you'd like to target and suggests workouts based on your selection. by bethebumblebee
This isn’t my website, I just found it.
bethebumblebee OP t1_j5undjw wrote
bethebumblebee t1_j0ibs6q wrote
Reply to comment by Due-Risk1400 in 15 Years of almost daily use and still going strong , I present to you the Toyota of Backpacks by TheRealHowardPotts
Hi Jack Wolfskin!
bethebumblebee OP t1_iy4616p wrote
Reply to comment by Electr0Girl in TIL Oreos are vegan! by bethebumblebee
Yes!!! I didn't expect someone to notice but again, there's millions of us! millions!
bethebumblebee OP t1_ituvzdx wrote
Reply to comment by Dollarist in Fast Food Chains With The Most Locations Per State by bethebumblebee
We're not allowed to post pictures that are non OC on this sub. I saw this article and could only post a link of it here. The image you see is a preview of the link.
bethebumblebee t1_jdhrdza wrote
Reply to comment by Nordellak in LPT: Use your calendar as your to-do list. Assigning dedicated time to tasks increases the likelyhood of you acting upon it. by human_marketer
are you me?