big_bertnor t1_jdps9xc wrote
Reply to comment by MaineKent in [m28] realizing I have no real life friends (Saco Biddeford, let’s grab a drink/bong rip and chat) by ghguyrur7
That's the right way to fish. I wade, shore, estuary fish because I pack lite and cover some ground while casting. Bring binos or camera and bird, seal, whale sighting to boot. Rain, sun, snow it just makes it a different environment to experience.
big_bertnor t1_jdprv6s wrote
Reply to comment by QuintShahkHuntah in [m28] realizing I have no real life friends (Saco Biddeford, let’s grab a drink/bong rip and chat) by ghguyrur7
Searun Browns now, Shad soon, then Stripers. Throw in some Blues if lucky later in Summer. 50 here and need to relearn my social skills after the last 3 years myself.
big_bertnor t1_jdpr9o0 wrote
Reply to comment by Lady-Kat1969 in What is everyone’s favorite coastal Maine town/city? Why? by MiddleRecognition224
Camden off season is best, otherwise traffic disaster when you forget coming back from the dump/post office.
big_bertnor t1_jdpqrug wrote
Reply to comment by banjo123717 in What is everyone’s favorite coastal Maine town/city? Why? by MiddleRecognition224
Fortunes Rocks during the off-season is home as far as Im concerned.
big_bertnor t1_ja9rrfr wrote
Reply to comment by RedditVince in Do I need to replace my deck joists? by RobotKevinSpacey
I always use the copper wood treatment on joist tops too. Easy brush on, thank God the smell goes away relatively quickly because I can not stand that odor.
big_bertnor t1_j9y4ykz wrote
Reply to comment by JimBones31 in Detour on 17 by JimBones31
Thank you.
big_bertnor t1_j9y16a2 wrote
Reply to Detour on 17 by JimBones31
Hey, did anyone else almost plow into the unreflective portable road closed triangle sign in the middle of the pitch black road coming from Augusta that night? I know the 4 cars behind me almost swerved off the road too. A light or reflector at the fork please.
big_bertnor t1_j25gaob wrote
Reply to comment by same-shit-everyday in how to deal with winter? by same-shit-everyday
In Southern Maine you can get away with some good aggressive all season tires if you get an AWD vehicle, i.e Subaru AND you become proficient with snow driving. You can never go too slow in the snow.
big_bertnor t1_iygju2k wrote
Reply to comment by Arsenault185 in How much did installing your wood stove cost? (Cornish area) by DragonRider001
Bam....pellet stove. Manufacturer open box sale. Free delivery to hardware store, picked it up along with the complete exhaust pipe/Intake and some silicone sealant. $900 bucks after I installed it.
big_bertnor t1_jdpsinq wrote
Reply to comment by Seyword in Do you have a traditional cable TV subscription? by benpinette
I don't, but my wife does and it's my life's quest to change her mind and our $tupid bill.