bigbangbilly t1_j0yq7np wrote
Also the title of the trope page for them on
bigbangbilly t1_j0wlyrk wrote
Reply to comment by BettyTheMale in World's first rice seeds harvested in orbit onboard China Space Station return to Earth by Opcn
>space soy sauce
You're gonna need a Thyme Machine for that. It takes time for soy sauce to fermented.
bigbangbilly t1_j0m7qa6 wrote
Reply to comment by poopmaester41 in Switzerland’s Giant “Water Battery” Starts Working by Wagamaga
>high quality kids journalism
Is just news for a younger audiences or it it made for kids by kids like the Krusty line of clothing?
bigbangbilly t1_j08z0uj wrote
Wouldn't that just be a mushroom cloud without the radiation?
bigbangbilly t1_izlekjp wrote
Reply to comment by YakInner4303 in Hawaii Island mayor: ‘Disrespectful’ spectators are throwing marshmallows at lava by Open-Satisfaction-36
There's a difference between a steak dinner on a plate versus rice and beans thrown at you.
bigbangbilly t1_izj1nej wrote
Reply to comment by BelAirGhetto in TIL that during his mega solo debut album George Michael used to wear his sunglasses throughout that year and also wore them to bed due to overwhelming hysteria and couldn't make an eye contact with strangers. by Professional-AI
So he can wear them in his dreams!
bigbangbilly t1_izc6dos wrote
Reply to comment by prisoner_007 in ‘Goblin mode’ chosen as Oxford word of the year for 2022 by MatthewDM111
It's a dictionary not a math textbook
bigbangbilly t1_iy87zht wrote
Reply to TIL that the Scotichronicon chronicles a Scottish history starting with its founding by Scota, daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh by yuje
That explains Richard Ramirez in the Highlander
bigbangbilly t1_ix1pin7 wrote
Reply to comment by Chad-Lee-Fuckboy in Massive sinkhole threatens to swallow West Virginia police department by armsinsurance
When you shoot into the Abyss the Abyss shoots back somehow
bigbangbilly t1_iwufea9 wrote
Reply to comment by Kbdiggity in Sonic The Hedgehog Creator Yuji Naka Reportedly Arrested For Insider Trading by GeneralGigan817
Yuji Naka definitely went In Too Deep
bigbangbilly t1_ivu530v wrote
Who let those dogs out?
bigbangbilly t1_ivic1il wrote
Reply to TIL, there was a Cocaine-infused tablet called “Forced March” taken on the North Pole Expedition by Shackleton. As label explains: “Allays hunger and prolongs the power of endurance.” by endofthen1ght
>Cocaine-infused tablet called “Forced March”
So that's what the guards took for guarding Morpheus in the Sandman the netflix series.
I wonder did the 21st century guards had Cocaine or just coffee?
bigbangbilly t1_ivev4wk wrote
Reply to comment by Oznog99 in TIL about "The Pearl": An underground pornographic magazine issued monthly between 1879 and 1880. Its contents were three serial erotic tales simultaneously, devoted to sex in high society, incest, and flagellation. It was shut down by the British authorities for violating standards of obscenity. by DasherPack
I thought that was filler for the acrostic
Didn't know I was missing out on it by skipping it
bigbangbilly t1_iuzhwc7 wrote
Reply to comment by attorneyatslaw in Paintballs to be shot at Dutch wolves in bid to make them less tame by FeedTheOx
Well the alternate timeline plan involving Rocky Mountain Oysters is going/got weird.
You know what, alternate presents tenses is kinda weird like how side voting compares to up and down votes
bigbangbilly t1_iutbuvu wrote
Reply to comment by ToadTendo in Italian researchers find new recipe to extend life of fresh pasta by a month by kyndreila
That's also what Machiavelli said to Luigi
bigbangbilly t1_iui3gn9 wrote
Reply to TIL the song Tusk by Fleetwood Mac and the USC marching band is the only song that features a marching band to ever make the top ten of the US billboards top 100 songs. by MightGuy420x
I don't think this song has anything to do with fingernails
bigbangbilly t1_iuhz0zu wrote
Reply to Nick Sirianni isnt sending his relatives Christmas cards because they wore Steelers gear to the Eagles game. by Sarsippius717
It's like those celebrities doing random things article from the onion
bigbangbilly t1_iu41ygr wrote
Going by how the economy is going a potato would be appropriate so sustenance to you.
bigbangbilly t1_itzi8jn wrote
Reply to Trial over death at Colorado strip club delayed after key lawyer dies there too by Mamacrass
I thought Shotgun Willie's was a gun store for the past few days.
bigbangbilly t1_itx6g6x wrote
Reply to comment by Saytanschild in TIL part of a Teletubbies episode was actually banned in some countries for supposedly being too scary. by thedubiousstylus
Meatcanyon is quite the unnerving animator.
Also why does his mkuth sound moist when hevoices some of the characters
bigbangbilly t1_itx0sgt wrote
Reply to comment by Proper_Budget_2790 in Minnesota man accidentally shoots himself getting corn out of boot at corn maze by lapants
Nobody expected Frank Castle to be a ghost riding herald of Galactus in a possible future but here we are
bigbangbilly t1_itgkzgu wrote
Reply to TIL about the famous American novelist Winston Churchill who was the reason why the British prime minister referred to himself as Winston Spencer Churchill. They met on occasion, but gradually Spencer Churchill’s rise to power steamrolled the American into obscurity. by OneLastConquest
For bonus points former prime minister Winston Spencer Churchill had some america ancestors
bigbangbilly t1_ir7cpq5 wrote
Reply to comment by Welcome_A_I_Overlord in Driver hits deer, car bursts into flames by mutantbabysnort
Probably taste like gasoline which incidentally can be used as a solvent to extract cocaine
bigbangbilly t1_j189sob wrote
Reply to comment by newsman0719 in Louisiana conservatives consider ban on liberal business agendas by positive_X
Lack of excess doesn't mean no intervention at all. Minimal and moral intervention is necessary for a society at least /s
But seriously, the "moral" meddling is basically unnecessary and actually harmful while regulatory intervention is actually necessary for safety (especially when self-regulation due to the financial incentived against self-regulation)