bigbangbilly t1_j6iyj2w wrote
Reply to TIL Margarine was originally named oleomargarine from Latin for oleum (olive oil) and Greek margarite ("pearl", indicating luster). by joshemerson
I wonder could margerine be used as an ineffective polish
bigbangbilly t1_j6b0di0 wrote
Reply to WWE drop 'The Banger Bros' name for peculiar reason to do with adult film company – Reports by RangoTheMerc
I wonder did they hosted shows in this Stadium
bigbangbilly t1_j61rq69 wrote
Reply to comment by deftoner42 in A Russian graveyard reveals Wagner's prisoner army by reuters
It's like that Lord of the Rings second dinner meme but with second conscription
bigbangbilly t1_j5zfg8g wrote
Basically a social media hoax
bigbangbilly t1_j5zas0n wrote
Reply to comment by a_millenial in Netflix denies any Squid Game reality show contestants have suffered ‘serious injury’ by trashcan_paradise
Kinda reminds me of the time when Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle intending to highlight workers conditions at the time but instead lead to food safety legislations and angencies instead
bigbangbilly t1_j5pctpa wrote
Reply to TIL that in 2020, researchers tried to determine the actual effects of ingesting George's Marvelous Medicine (from the Roald Dahl book), consisting of shampoo, anti-freeze, brown paint, floor polish, and 30 other household items. It would cause vomiting, kidney injury, convulsions, and likely death. by derstherower
So basically this is also an investigation on whether or not some of the deadly ingredients cancel out like corosive acid and bases?
bigbangbilly t1_j5p8mss wrote
Reply to comment by FatFreddysCatnip in First AI-powered "robot" lawyer will represent defendant in court next month by mycatisanorange
Wolfram Alpha?
bigbangbilly t1_j5p6b6r wrote
Reply to comment by This-is-Life-Man in World War II-era map sparks treasure hunt in Dutch village | AP News by oliverkloezoff
In the future we might get a movie, book, or piece of fiction where the treasure turns out fo be a WWII bomb. It's not even a doomsday device, just a bomb that may or may not kill the heroes and villain having their climatic showdown. At least the heroes get to make some friends along the way, amirite?
bigbangbilly t1_j5kg0d0 wrote
Reply to comment by Nazamroth in TIL the first known résumé was written by Leonardo da Vinci, when applying to be a military engineer for the Duke of Milan. It's mainly just a list of his designs for siege weapons (including trebuchets). He briefly mentions his art: "In painting, I can do everything possible." He got the job. by Pfeffer_Prinz
This is why I have a hard time with job interviews. This sort of honesty is not what hiring managers are looking for
bigbangbilly t1_j5k2jpd wrote
Reply to comment by MrArgento in Expert says ‘Trees are the enemy’ when it comes to water production by alxzsites
Eventually we'll hit oil
bigbangbilly t1_j5jktjz wrote
Reply to comment by cbbuntz in Girl asks police to run DNA test on Christmas cookie for evidence of Santa Claus by koavf
>you probably shouldn't still believe in Santa
Not exactly. There's plenty of brilliant people that believes in silly things or are just ignorant in another area
A very notable example would be those with Nobel Disease (basically Nobel Prize winners with strange or bad ideas later in life)
bigbangbilly t1_j5g9sd7 wrote
Reply to comment by F4STW4LKER in The Fyre Festival fraudster is launching his latest thing, and it looks like a party on an island by Worldly_Pirate_9817
Since this is a Nautical theme, earth and air are the remaining elements.
bigbangbilly t1_j53bvlg wrote
Reply to comment by --zaxell-- in Jury Awards Flo Rida $82 Million in Lawsuit Against Celsius by Clem_Doore
Way more than 50 Cent and hotter than an Ice Cube in a glass of Ice T
bigbangbilly t1_j50xlhx wrote
Reply to comment by rcdemski in Shrek Rave coming to Albany in February by lasirenmoon
This is Alban so they better have some burgers from a fast food restaurant STEAMED HAMS!
bigbangbilly t1_j50tiom wrote
Reply to comment by Noy2222 in TIL Pinky and the Brain was inspired by the peculiar personalities of two WB producers, Eddie Fitzgerald and Tom Minton with interesting mannerisms that were incorporated into the characters by QueenBee299
>a mustache on the Mona Lisa
That’s LHOOQ
bigbangbilly t1_j4o2hds wrote
Reply to Taliban start buying blue ticks on Twitter by koavf
It's like the Wolf Cola episode from Always Sunny In Philadelphia but with Elon
bigbangbilly t1_j4ejkh7 wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Vacant in His excellency Rollan Roberts II announces his bid for President of the United States by JawaPunter
>uniform says he's from the Ohio State University Marching Band
I though the name make him sound like European royalty
bigbangbilly t1_j3z4fim wrote
Reply to comment by InflamedLiver in Amid recruiting crisis, Army makes new companies for recruits who don't meet academic, fitness standards by GaryOaksAlcoholism
Does an inability to improve mean a dishonorable discharge?
bigbangbilly t1_j2ni8br wrote
Reply to comment by wrextnight in TIL that bots 🤖 drive ~40% of all internet traffic. by kkoolook
Hello Eurobot, um, I mean fellow American
bigbangbilly t1_j2bd6ib wrote
Reply to comment by aaahhhhhhfine in TIL of the US Librarian of Congress. Appointed by the President and serving a term of ten years, they are the head of the Library of Congress with a broad range of responsibilities. Incumbent Carla Hayden appointed in 2016, is both the first African American and woman to hold the office. by Guiano
Those Librarians in Train is handling the tasks.
Speaking of, what happens to the NYPL guards guarding the secret doors?
bigbangbilly t1_j23uyvl wrote
Reply to comment by My_Penbroke in 'Freedom Convoy' organizers now promising 'world unity convoy' in Winnipeg in February by CanadianBeaver1983
Aside from gathering, organizing them towards a goal does not seem likely
bigbangbilly t1_j1ud2cs wrote
Reply to Til Boxing day in the UK has to do with a tradition of boxing up presents to give to the poor and has nothing to do with boxing the sport by Jasong222
Just like how soccer has nothing to do with socking someone in the face (if played properly and away from football hooligans)
bigbangbilly t1_j1k8s0d wrote
Reply to comment by Humanmale80 in Today I learned that Druids gathered Mistletoe using Golden Sickles by darth_nadoma
Bang Bang Maxwell's came down upon her head
-The Beatles
bigbangbilly t1_j1ivkb0 wrote
Reply to comment by Maya_Hett in Center for Countering Disinformation publishes selection of Russian fakes made up on December 23. Espreso TV News Ukraine by IceLArk
>Who'd fall for it..?
Those that would pretend to fall for it to avoid defenestration or gulag and the sort of people that /u/Venerable_Rival mentioned
bigbangbilly t1_j6iyn1j wrote
Reply to TIL that the first use of the phrase "son-of-a-bitch" in American literature was in the 1823 book "Seventy-Six" by John Neal about the American Revolutionary War. Seventy-Six was criticized at the time for its use of profanity and was noted for its use of colloquialisms. by vrphotosguy55
I'm in