I read it at the beginning of the pandemic, so a couple years ago now, and didn't find the same us vs. them rhetoric that you did. I also saw the stories describing more of a masculine and feminine dichotomy or spectrum, rather than the idea of man or woman. I also found the author's enjoyment of words delightful, but I can see how that might seem more like she enjoys the sound of her own voice, if that makes sense.
I appreciate your take, and I am curious if I would also be more critical of the book if I reread it today.
bisleybisleybisley t1_j27wic0 wrote
Reply to Reading Women Who run with Wolves by Purplefootprint
I read it at the beginning of the pandemic, so a couple years ago now, and didn't find the same us vs. them rhetoric that you did. I also saw the stories describing more of a masculine and feminine dichotomy or spectrum, rather than the idea of man or woman. I also found the author's enjoyment of words delightful, but I can see how that might seem more like she enjoys the sound of her own voice, if that makes sense.
I appreciate your take, and I am curious if I would also be more critical of the book if I reread it today.