
bitterbeerfaces t1_j3acsvz wrote

Please report this! PSP is on top of this shit and will absolutely take action if he is required to register and is not.

Use the below link, and follow the directions under the Megan's law heading. I once helped a victim anonymously report that an offender did not have their work address updated properly. They were arrested within a week.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j36qb23 wrote

Not new and never was required on the state level. Yes, a probation or parole department absolutely could impose sex offender requirements on anyone they feel is a risk. But there is nothing in the law that states they must. This greatly varries from county to county.

Indecent exposure has never been a Megans/Adam Walsh trigger in Pa. If you know someone who is telling you that they were convicted of a streaking offense in Pennsylvania and as a result they were put on Megan's law, they are blowing smoke up your ass and there is more to the story.

Now if this guy was running naked while touching his penis or perhaps saying sexual things to strangers, then yes, that would end up with charges that would trigger Megan's law.

Here are the current trigger laws.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j36p3j7 wrote

That would depend if the guy convicted of assault, went after strangers or children known to him. Also if the children he assaulted were related to him.

There are some very good (ie well researched and empirically supported) tools that are used to gauge the risk of sexual offending in the future. Static-99r and Abel screening are the two leading tools in this area.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j36m1zx wrote

Not in Pennsylvania.

Yes there are charges on the registration that shouldn't be there. (Interference is a great example)

As for the constitutionality of it, they have been fighting it since the 1990s. It was unconstitutional for a bit around 2017, but the legislature changed the law. Could it change one day? Sure. But there is strong political support to keep it on both sides.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j36lgs9 wrote

Not all sex offenders, only the worst of the worst. They are known as Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs). If you are an SVP you get lifetime registration, neighbor notification, and mandatory monthly counseling.

All sex offenders are bad, however these are the ones where it has been determined they are not going to take to treatment and have the highest risk of recidivism. They usually have a personality disorder or a history of violent acts,. including prior sexual offenses


bitterbeerfaces t1_iz5s3rw wrote

Check out the Standard Offer Program. Not a PECO customer, but it's supposed to be statewide. I locked in my rate this past May for a year and am paying 0.063 until May 2023. We have an oil heater, and are trying to use our electric space heaters as much as we safely can. Keeping our thermostat at 64 during the day, and using the space heater to keep us comfortable.


bitterbeerfaces t1_ixxk3ah wrote

Lancaster County isn't bad. But you also pay for what you get. Want to be in the middle of nowhere in the mountains- check out Somerset/Laurel Highlands. Want to live in a population with a College education? Try the Philly 'burbs. Going for the cute town - Hershey and Litiz are great. Want to be around rednecks in trailer parks?- throw a dart at the center of the state and have at it.