
bitterbeerfaces t1_iutmevu wrote

I locked in May. I don't think what you mentioned is a problem with the program. I'm pretty happy with my locked in rate (met-ed). I actually bought a electric space heater because we plan on keeping our house cold due to oil prices but using heat from electricity to keep it comfortable.

I ran some numbers and it will be cheaper for us to heat with a space heater than it is for us to keep our house at 70 with oil.b


bitterbeerfaces t1_iuqr3ic wrote

Do you really think I need you to be forced to continue continue being pregnant against their will? To potentially die while giving birth? To end up in poverty due to unpaid leave from work?

What happens to all of those unwanted children? There are currently 40,000 adoptable kids in the foster care system, and no one wants them.


bitterbeerfaces t1_iuqqzma wrote

Why, for a medical reason? Did you already have children? A single 23-year-old who has no children and no medical reason for a hysterectomy will be very unlikely to find a doctor Will tie their tubes. I was denied an IUD when I was 25 and the doctor told me that I might change my mind about having kids in the next 5 years. Hint I didn't.