
bittoxic00 t1_j6l4jtk wrote

What job? Because I looked up upcoming exams for jobs here.

And picked one at random, child welfare specialist.

And learned level one starting salary is 52k a year. Who is maxing out at 41k?


bittoxic00 t1_j6hyvec wrote

Every municipal retiree I know pulled that scam, overtime was reserved for those close to retirement for that reason and everyone was in on it. With retirement ages being raised for a variety of reasons this whole ‘screw you, got mine, just let everyone else pay’ mentality will keep younger generations working forever


bittoxic00 t1_j55id0e wrote

I think they’ve theorized over 100 billion modern humans have existed on earth, so 8%ish of all humans ever are alive today, 92% have passed. So 9/10 chance the human with the greatest capacity for intelligence and or strength never lived in modern times. The best bodybuilder with modern training and medicine has likely existed but the person with the most potential has likely passed. I think the same with intelligence, there might have been someone in Ancient Greece with the most potential


bittoxic00 t1_j48x16d wrote

The members should also be worried that a blocked sale of any buyer willing to buy and remedy will probably lead to a foreclosure at this rate. Thus a future huge disbursement from the building fund will lead to a new levy, that or a bank takes it, do they then throw some poor vp from boa in jail?