bittoxic00 t1_j6kofkm wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
You said they maxed out at 41k salary, who’s making 41k at max let alone entry
bittoxic00 t1_j6j3u40 wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
What city jobs are only paying 41k after entry level?
bittoxic00 t1_j6ibtll wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
I’ll let you in on a secret, we’ll never retire unless ubi is implemented or you save and invest privately.
bittoxic00 t1_j6i7y22 wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
Florida? Do you also think people who get 4 bedroom rent controlled apartments should get to keep them once their kids move out? I’m not for government changing terms but these once generous handouts need to adapt, no millennial will ever see these
bittoxic00 t1_j6i7ijl wrote
Reply to comment by jay5627 in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
Social security age of retirement has been raised since I’ve started working, it’ll likely go up again
bittoxic00 t1_j6i69dv wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
Most people would need to have saved a million dollars to buy an annuity that would pay 41k a year. Add in their social security and it’s a decent retirement, no one is entitled to retire in a high col area
bittoxic00 t1_j6hyvec wrote
Reply to comment by app4that in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
Every municipal retiree I know pulled that scam, overtime was reserved for those close to retirement for that reason and everyone was in on it. With retirement ages being raised for a variety of reasons this whole ‘screw you, got mine, just let everyone else pay’ mentality will keep younger generations working forever
bittoxic00 t1_j60e6w3 wrote
Reply to comment by An_Old_IT_Guy in NYC woman burned alive by man enraged she’d destroyed his comics, video game device: DA by Shreddersaurusrex
The DA, from behind his desk, imagined himself in the situation punching the guy square in the jaw and then calling the police and shaking hands with the officers while being told he’s a hero
bittoxic00 t1_j5lpwkt wrote
They got the plate in the previous post, I’m assuming nypd was no help.
bittoxic00 t1_j5hula6 wrote
Reply to comment by Miles-za in The Fyre Festival fraudster is launching his latest thing, and it looks like a party on an island by Worldly_Pirate_9817
How else is he supposed to get rich again and regain his proper station?
bittoxic00 t1_j5gh7o0 wrote
Reply to comment by harlemtechie in NYC Council has no plan to pass bill that would let Mayor Adams charge retired city workers for health care: ‘It’s dead’ by F_T_N_32
Can you please start fighting the government to properly fund these pensions as well then
bittoxic00 t1_j5es3dx wrote
Reply to comment by harlemtechie in NYC Council has no plan to pass bill that would let Mayor Adams charge retired city workers for health care: ‘It’s dead’ by F_T_N_32
When it’s my turn to retire and the system is entirely bankrupted instead of just given a haircut I’ll remember at least the boomers never had to make a small sacrifice
bittoxic00 t1_j5diwyv wrote
Reply to comment by miltonfriedman2028 in NYC Council has no plan to pass bill that would let Mayor Adams charge retired city workers for health care: ‘It’s dead’ by F_T_N_32
Always downvotes, always people screaming that ‘they earned it and it can’t be changed’. No one sees reduced services or higher taxes as a result of keeping these the same
bittoxic00 t1_j55id0e wrote
Reply to comment by OldManChino in Prehistoric Fashion: Cut Marks On Ancient Bones Reveal The Trends 320.000 Years Ago - Archaeology Magazine by mikaelnorqvist
I think they’ve theorized over 100 billion modern humans have existed on earth, so 8%ish of all humans ever are alive today, 92% have passed. So 9/10 chance the human with the greatest capacity for intelligence and or strength never lived in modern times. The best bodybuilder with modern training and medicine has likely existed but the person with the most potential has likely passed. I think the same with intelligence, there might have been someone in Ancient Greece with the most potential
bittoxic00 t1_j55g9gy wrote
Reply to comment by Gingorthedestroyer in Prehistoric Fashion: Cut Marks On Ancient Bones Reveal The Trends 320.000 Years Ago - Archaeology Magazine by mikaelnorqvist
Didn’t they disprove mitochondrial eve? Genuinely curious
bittoxic00 t1_j53lehp wrote
Reply to comment by Blenderx06 in Prehistoric Fashion: Cut Marks On Ancient Bones Reveal The Trends 320.000 Years Ago - Archaeology Magazine by mikaelnorqvist
Of the over 100 billion humans who’ve walked the earth plus our close relatives I just think it’s hard to imagine our recent history has the best and the brightest, statistically
bittoxic00 t1_j52vjys wrote
Reply to comment by JACCO2008 in Prehistoric Fashion: Cut Marks On Ancient Bones Reveal The Trends 320.000 Years Ago - Archaeology Magazine by mikaelnorqvist
It wasn’t us, article said it was Homo heidelbergensis which split off into homo sapian and Neanderthal. They were smart though and sometimes I wonder if the smartest ‘human’ that ever lived lived 250k years ago
bittoxic00 t1_j4ym75v wrote
Reply to comment by oceanblue966 in NYC eviction rate continues to rise since ban was lifted, as homelessness surges by flightwaves
That lifestyle creep hits hard
bittoxic00 t1_j4rmnsh wrote
Reply to comment by jeffsayno in Adams signs $275M deal with NYC hotels to house migrants by deathhand
One college in upstate New York is closing this year, cazenovia college and I’m sure the dorms are nice
bittoxic00 t1_j499ho2 wrote
Reply to comment by AceContinuum in He Spent 181 Days at Rikers Over NYC Condo Addition — and May Go Back If It Isn't Torn Down by Shreddersaurusrex
The article claims any sale is blocked while this is ongoing
bittoxic00 t1_j48xbyf wrote
Reply to He Spent 181 Days at Rikers Over NYC Condo Addition — and May Go Back If It Isn't Torn Down by Shreddersaurusrex
Just read in the complaint he was the former board president. Maybe payback
bittoxic00 t1_j48x16d wrote
Reply to comment by LouisSeize in He Spent 181 Days at Rikers Over NYC Condo Addition — and May Go Back If It Isn't Torn Down by Shreddersaurusrex
The members should also be worried that a blocked sale of any buyer willing to buy and remedy will probably lead to a foreclosure at this rate. Thus a future huge disbursement from the building fund will lead to a new levy, that or a bank takes it, do they then throw some poor vp from boa in jail?
bittoxic00 t1_j2e8smv wrote
Reply to Nikki Secondino charged with murder in deadly stabbing of 61-year-old father Carlo Secondino in Brooklyn by Enrico_Motassa
Anyone get the motive?
bittoxic00 t1_j2e0bg0 wrote
He got contributions from Nashville, it tracks people help the party but feels weird
bittoxic00 t1_j6l4jtk wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
What job? Because I looked up upcoming exams for jobs here.
And picked one at random, child welfare specialist.
And learned level one starting salary is 52k a year. Who is maxing out at 41k?