black_brook t1_jba9f02 wrote
Reply to comment by BitsAndBobs304 in Does thin stuff placed between pan and induction cooker affect efficiency in a significant manner? by BitsAndBobs304
It will actually heat the pan more using less electricity once it bursts into flames.
black_brook t1_jb44w0j wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why does sand keep clay from shrinking as it dries? by UnderBridg
Also "grog particles don't shrink" does not explain anything because clay partials don't shrink either. They condense by sliding together like u/Indemnity4 explained. I assume the grog particles must block some of the clay particles from sliding together and affect shrinkage that way, but that is only an unexpert guess.
black_brook t1_jb3roe5 wrote
Reply to comment by Indemnity4 in Why does sand keep clay from shrinking as it dries? by UnderBridg
That doesn't really explain what was asked though. How does the grog or sand slow down shrinkage?
Also how does having the grog or sand allow some of the clay to melt to fill in the voids? Why wouldn't that happen also without the grog?
black_brook t1_j9k02mn wrote
Reply to comment by oddlywarmpotato in Thought experiments claim to use our intuitive responses to generate philosophical insights. But these scenarios are deceptive. Moral intuitions depend heavily on context and the individual. by IAI_Admin
Even if an experiment isn't designed to lead the witness, it can still have that effect. Experiments and analogies tend to create situations ripe with pitfalls for our natural tendency to be lead astray by language.
black_brook t1_j7iwxwz wrote
Reply to In The Dark (OC) by LeeroyM
You win.
black_brook t1_j6o6yon wrote
Reply to comment by doodcool612 in Happiness is an essentially nihilistic ideal — it is the best goal to follow when there is nothing else on the table. A meaningful life on the other hand can embrace more of life including struggles and suffering because it is oriented towards a higher ideal by thelivingphilosophy
Questions of whether a given person's chosen meaning is wrong or if it can be objectively judged are independent of whether it is meaning.
black_brook t1_j68rt7i wrote
Reply to comment by Rosco777 in Long Dawn, Me, Photo manipulation & digital painting, 2023 by Rosco777
Is the gash just because you happened to have that on your back? Because it had me trying (fruitlessly) to figure out how it might make sense as some kind of symbolism.
black_brook t1_j67aw00 wrote
Reply to TIL cholera was reintroduced to Haiti after a century by UN peacekeepers responding to the 2010 earthquake. The resulting outbreak was the worst on record, killing 10,000 and infecting 820,000. by theworkinglad
How is it that the UN peacekeepers had cholera?
black_brook t1_j67at75 wrote
black_brook t1_j66qghq wrote
Reply to comment by pkosuda in BuzzFeed to use OpenAI technology to create content by pkosuda
black_brook t1_j61wy4p wrote
Reply to Boarding school ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died, ex-staff say by ninjascotsman
“One thing we have agreement on, it’s a tragic circumstance,” said Bill Frazier, the school’s attorney. “Any time you have a 17-year-old die, it’s horrendous and we’re crestfallen by it.”
"Crestfallen" is a really odd word to use about someone dying.
black_brook t1_j3f1xcg wrote
Reply to comment by jabberwockxeno in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
Could you comment on how the 260 day calendar was reconciled or integrated with the 365 day solar year? For some reason nothing I read makes this clear.
black_brook t1_j2lg62t wrote
Reply to comment by wi_voter in Researchers have discovered a new situation from the everyday environment where our crucial ability to perceive what is truly vertical is compromised: when our body pitches (body pitch) and moves at the same time (body motion) by giuliomagnifico
Pitch, yaw, and roll, are the terms used for the 3 different possible rotational motions in 3d space. They are used in aeronautics and I expect other disciplines where these are important. Pitch is the motion your head makes if you nod it.
black_brook t1_ixe4cp6 wrote
Reply to comment by talossiannights in Ancient Egyptian mummification was never intended to preserve bodies by IslandChillin
Pre-scientific cultures did not distinguish between the symbolic / metaphorical and practical / physical the way we do. To say the reason wasn't this practical thing but instead was this symbolic thing is a modern failure to understand that. One doesn't preclude the other and even treating them as separable is questionable.
black_brook t1_ixbjgmb wrote
Reply to comment by the_buckman_bandit in LPT: To heat yourself during the winter, have a hot water bottle on your legs while sitting down doing your work, it will conduct through the rest of your body and will heat you almost the same as a heater would do at a small fraction of the cost. Energy prices are far too much, be safe this winter by LightConquersDark_
I was only half listening. Tell me your recipe for making rice stock again?
black_brook t1_iuy3yc6 wrote
Reply to "The Lull | Our Age of Catastrophic Uneventfulness" - An exploration on how 'the end of history' has affected our cultural consciousness and imagination by catch878
How does someone write an article like this without mentioning Spengler?
black_brook t1_iupeh8t wrote
Reply to comment by Man-from-Hjelmdall in New RSV vaccines are on track to make this one of the last bad cold seasons by Man-from-Hjelmdall
How do you justify that title when there are hundreds of stains of viruses that can cause the cold?
black_brook t1_irump7n wrote
Reply to comment by npa100 in Positive childhood experiences of blue spaces and adult well-being. Individuals who recalled more childhood blue space experiences tended to place greater intrinsic value on natural settings, visiting them as adults – which increases better mental wellbeing by Wagamaga
My first thought was "Not the bees!"
black_brook t1_irumi7w wrote
Reply to comment by npa100 in Positive childhood experiences of blue spaces and adult well-being. Individuals who recalled more childhood blue space experiences tended to place greater intrinsic value on natural settings, visiting them as adults – which increases better mental wellbeing by Wagamaga
It's their blue space. Paint the the inside of a basket blue, put it over the kid's head. All set.
black_brook t1_ir3muyt wrote
Reply to comment by nimama3233 in Hercules statue, approximately 2,000 years old, discovered in Greece - The Jerusalem Post by DRKILLM0NGER
The Eastern Roman Empire spoke Greek. This was Heracles.
black_brook t1_ir1zyxb wrote
Reply to Micron’s investing $100 billion to bring the country’s ‘largest semiconductor fabrication facility’ to New York by Avieshek
Mt first PC was a micron. I didn't even know they still existed.
black_brook t1_jbanm1e wrote
Reply to comment by BitsAndBobs304 in Does thin stuff placed between pan and induction cooker affect efficiency in a significant manner? by BitsAndBobs304
People often underestimate the temperature the frying pan gets to because the food is actively cooling off by the moisture in it changing phase to steam. The pan needs to be hotter than the food will actually cook at to compensate for this, and the bottom of the pan will be hotter than the surface of the pan which is in contract with food and having heat actively draw off.