blahbleh112233 t1_jc6z9gi wrote
Reply to comment by Negatrev in Silicon Valley Bank posted 'financial crimes' senior manager job listing just before closure by carolinaindian02
What? Unless I missed something, there was nothing to hide, the entire finance industry knew basically all of SVB's deposits were uninsured and just underestimated systemic risk.
Don't want to take a shot at you but do you have experience in the finance industry? Its posts like this along with the weird political bent that makes me wonder how much of reddit just a weird witch hunt.
blahbleh112233 t1_jc6w3ca wrote
Reply to comment by Negatrev in Silicon Valley Bank posted 'financial crimes' senior manager job listing just before closure by carolinaindian02
I don't want to sound mean but do you know the reasons by SVB went under in the first place? It wasn't fraud or a lack of controls, it just sheer incompetence on behalf of management.
blahbleh112233 t1_jbsh75a wrote
Reply to comment by Brandanpk in TIFU-by going out at a nearby restaurant by myself at midnight-UPDATE by ThrowRAfoodie_76
FR, do those fuckers not realize a small/personal pizza basically is palm sized at this point?
blahbleh112233 t1_jbhlt5k wrote
Reply to comment by Villane11e in NYC Mayor Eric Adams is telling stores to have customers remove their face masks by Mighty_L_LORT
Dude, Adams is already going around telling refugees that nyc is full and shipping them to Canada. You think he gives a fuck about masks?
blahbleh112233 t1_jbei3jj wrote
Look at it this way, at least you're better off than Billy "fuckface" Ripken
blahbleh112233 t1_jb6de1q wrote
Reply to comment by Kelend in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
You can in the third world for sure but this is something US actually puts into trade agreements and sues for in the WTO.
blahbleh112233 t1_jb6bv8v wrote
Reply to comment by Tsiroch in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
No, but there's also nothing stopping you for mimicking the same conditions, or just importing the goods. Like Napa Valley wine is quality because of the grapes. The barreling and fermentation can be done anywhere since its imported wood, fermented in a sterile environment.
There's probably a bit of a difference in the hops and such but you can make whiskey that tastes mighty close to bourbon. At the end of the day is a trademark thing that ensures income more than naything else.
blahbleh112233 t1_jb65wq9 wrote
Reply to comment by ux3l in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
I read what you wrote, have you heard of the moron in a hurry benchmark? I.e. that not everyone will read the labels for stuff and will go buy off oflook/picture alone? It's an actual legal test.
But lets be real, all these things are just cynical ploys for more money. I'm sure the Swiss would totally be ok with Toblerone using that mountain outline if they came to a licensing arrangement or something.
blahbleh112233 t1_jb61xnk wrote
Reply to comment by elizabeth-cooper in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
It's a similar idea. If you're going to invoke a country/cultural craft (here its swiss chocolate being high quality), then you should pay up. No free riders!
blahbleh112233 t1_jb61sh0 wrote
Reply to comment by ux3l in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
It is, but that's laws for you man. Swiss don't want no free riders, and you can argue Swiss Chocolate is a cultural brand in and of itself so the country has incentive to protect the integrity of it.
blahbleh112233 t1_jb5vhyo wrote
Reply to comment by ux3l in Toblerone chocolate to cut iconic Matterhorn logo from packaging due to ‘Swissness’ laws by elizabeth-cooper
Matters a lot for protecting income. I think bourbon is only allowed to be called that if it's made in the US for example, so thus all the bourbon money goes to the us
blahbleh112233 t1_jb5he7z wrote
Reply to comment by guutarajouzu in TIFU by not checking how much drinks cost at a hostess bar by guutarajouzu
Ah, wasn't my intention to sound cynical. Loneliness sucks and hostess bars are popular for a reason. Just don't overcomit to what may be a superficial relationship
blahbleh112233 t1_jb0l7rr wrote
Reply to comment by TexasMeatCrayon in TIFU by not checking how much drinks cost at a hostess bar by guutarajouzu
Depends on the country, think of it like securing repeat customers if they're not creeps. Good on OP though, sounds like a good night
blahbleh112233 t1_jaygumr wrote
Reply to comment by Icarus_13310 in TIFU by using ChatGPT to write a fanfic and posted it by ThrowAwayoof7264
Gatekeepers are everywhere man. Shit we even have terfs - aka women gatekeeping their own oppression
blahbleh112233 t1_jaj25ye wrote
Reply to comment by Malforus in Nebraska cheerleader competes alone at state competition after squad backs out: 'Proud of myself' by geekman20
You think they'd just say that
blahbleh112233 t1_jahyygc wrote
Reply to Nebraska cheerleader competes alone at state competition after squad backs out: 'Proud of myself' by geekman20
Not a dig at her but I'm kinda curious what shit went down for the entire rest of the squad to quit
blahbleh112233 t1_jadw1rv wrote
Reply to comment by AndyB1976 in Bailiffs Are Dressing Up Like Police Officers to Scare Tenants Out of Their Homes by Mighty_L_LORT
You can get away with looking extremely close to a cop and driving essentially a cop car depending on the law. Look up Jeremy Dewitte. He's never been convicted of impersonation because of the laws and even got a cop fired over the accusation.
blahbleh112233 t1_ja5gtf4 wrote
Reply to comment by Fochinell in Israelis, Palestinians pledge to curb violence at Jordan meeting by Hiversitize
No viable peace is going to hold until Israel settles on formal boundaries that they won't violate. Hamas gets a lot of support because they can just point to the illegal Israeli settlement over yonder and tell you with 100% certainty that your house is gonna be on the next expansion list
blahbleh112233 t1_ja5bn5c wrote
Reply to comment by user2021883 in This sign telling you to stay inside the apartment building when the alarm sounds by DeepPossession8916
Yeah that one.
blahbleh112233 t1_ja4a2s4 wrote
Reply to comment by BuffyoBeer in I Volunteered For A Food Bank Today And We Had a Pallet and A Half of Beyond Meat Jerky. by The_Didlyest
Are you Vegan by any chance? I passed around a few free bags at work/friends and the only person who thought it wasn't bad was my Vegan friend who also incidentally basically just eats dressing-less salad all day.
blahbleh112233 t1_ja49oij wrote
Reply to I Volunteered For A Food Bank Today And We Had a Pallet and A Half of Beyond Meat Jerky. by The_Didlyest
Shits fucking vile. That's why. They had a bunch at NYC street fairs and they couldn't even give them away
blahbleh112233 t1_ja3islv wrote
Reply to comment by BigCommieMachine in This sign telling you to stay inside the apartment building when the alarm sounds by DeepPossession8916
Not even that. Weren't there a bunch of public housing fires where the entire building just went up in flames due to them being built with flammable material?
blahbleh112233 t1_ja2to5n wrote
Reply to comment by lukeasaur in what happened to this "all natural soap" after sitting in the shower for a few months by Sacred_Stardust
Depends on where you live but for example, people living in SF absolutely will put restaurants on blast for not being eco friendly.
blahbleh112233 t1_ja2pkyf wrote
Reply to comment by -holdmyhand in TIFU by leaving my wax burner on overnight, enabling my cat to get wax on his tail by Popular-Entrance4049
I mean, it took OP 3 hours to shave a portion of her cat. Do you expect a vet to work for minimum wage or something?
blahbleh112233 t1_jc717zd wrote
Reply to comment by Negatrev in Silicon Valley Bank posted 'financial crimes' senior manager job listing just before closure by carolinaindian02
It's a broad statement given how redditors are making pretty wild leaps of judgement based on no facts.
I'm really not sure what the regulatory job has to do with SVB going under, when SVB went under because of a bank run that had nothing to do with the job posting at all. This is like if an apartment complex burns down due to arson, and people point to an open plumber position as the smoking gun