blargh4 t1_iyc9zi2 wrote
blargh4 t1_iya4qng wrote
Reply to comment by _FinalPantasy_ in Topping L30 II - Good shtuff by _FinalPantasy_
Something seems screwy. Assuming Philips's sensitivity spec is accurate and the input signal to the amp is enough to get it near the limits of its power capabilities at low gain, 150mW should be sufficient for hearing damage inducing SPLs.
Ah well, if low gain is busted, new amp solves the problem.
blargh4 t1_iy9vbb7 wrote
Reply to Sennheiser 560s sound terrible to me by ben_reshef
as a rule, open back headphones deliver, at most, a flat bass response. most have rolloff in the bass. if you're a basshead and want some 12db bass shelf, open backs are probably not for you (ones with better natural bass extension will probably EQ better to your liking, but why torture the poor drivers?)
blargh4 t1_iy9i5j1 wrote
Reply to comment by Were_not_a_Match in Focal Clear are melting my ears and not in a good way (review) by super_smoothie
utopias are a probably a little less peaky in the mids but similar character. I don't find them "shouty" but the timbre is a bit off, I EQ them.
blargh4 t1_iy6bdkk wrote
Reply to comment by brightness3 in I may not hear the improvement, but there is an improvement I don't yet know by Gallus780
The Schiit Magni has has plenty of power/current/voltage for 99.9% of the conventional headphones (ie not estat or something with similarly exotic amplification requirements) out there. There are corner cases where that might not be enough to drive them loud and have headroom left, like the insanely inefficient Hifiman Susvara, but I'm guessing you're not pairing $6000 cans with a $100 amp.
blargh4 t1_iy59js1 wrote
Reply to comment by PenisFly_AhhhhScary in I may not hear the improvement, but there is an improvement I don't yet know by Gallus780
did you test them blind?
blargh4 t1_iy57xzk wrote
Reply to comment by Training_Support9204 in New Sennheiser HD 600 by Training_Support9204
I can throw my HD600s on the floor and they'll hold up just fine.
the build is not very "premium" but they are not delicate or fragile.
blargh4 t1_iy51ess wrote
Reply to comment by SavageSam1234 in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator
The problem is that since no one has yet figured out how to do a frequency sweep measured at my eardrum, measured FR also doesn't exist in the "real" world.
blargh4 t1_iy4zen2 wrote
Reply to New Sennheiser HD 600 by Training_Support9204
Only cosmetic differences. Obviously pad wear will change the sound a bit and individual units vary slightly so you can find plenty of people saying "hey this sounds different" but I've seen no evidence there's systematic sound quality differences between them beyond wear/unit variation factors.
blargh4 t1_iy4tl81 wrote
Reply to comment by dirthurts in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator
actually I'd say that's quite easy to judge from an FR plot, "harsh" and "sharp" are words that usually map to frequencies well below where measurements get shaky. of course, knowing how FRs maps to what you hear subjectively takes some experience.
blargh4 t1_iy4b2fo wrote
Reply to Wf-1000xm5? by xXx-swag_xXx
The XM4s haven't been out that long, they only launched in June.
I'd expect you'd still be waiting ~half a year for retail availability, assuming Sony maintains its annual release schedule, but I haven't heard anything about a new model yet.
blargh4 t1_iy43zqx wrote
Reply to comment by c0ng0pr0 in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator
My impression is that it's basically "things that are hard/impossible to EQ"
blargh4 t1_iy0d6fu wrote
No, it just sounds like some weird EQ preset.
Apple’s head tracking implementation adds more value, at least theoretically, but I’m still not fond of what it does to the sound quality.
blargh4 t1_ixyda67 wrote
Reply to What aspect of performance is the most important or most undervalued (tonality, Soundstage, timbre, transience, etc.) ? by TheRadiantSoap
I’m ok fine-tuning imperfections, but all the “technicalities” in the world aren’t going to make me love some overpriced headphone that needs major EQing just to not sound like total ass tonality/timbre wise. Some very expensive headphones get away with murder in this department.
blargh4 t1_ixwzq58 wrote
Because impedance is just one part of what determines a headphone's amplifier needs.
blargh4 t1_ixw22cj wrote
blargh4 t1_ixvlxkw wrote
Anyone have impressions of the quality of Audeze B-stock stuff? Anything more amiss than you expected?
blargh4 t1_ixtd1s7 wrote
i don't know what kind of weird-ass ears y'all have but mine fit nicely inside a sufficiently large oval?
blargh4 t1_ixr42vg wrote
blargh4 t1_ixoy65q wrote
Sounds like a great way to destroy a pair of IEMs
blargh4 t1_ixj30o1 wrote
Reply to so i bought my 3rd gaming headset by Rakoon98
> Those whose hearing is good enough to hear that high up in the frequency range will definitely notice it.
lol, being able to hear 2.4GHz is an interesting idea.
blargh4 t1_ixfwnub wrote
Reply to 100Ω output impedance by icanseeyourpantsuu
If you’re of the opinion that an amplifier should not color the sound, them lower output impedance is better. Ideally close to zero ohms. It means your amp can drive more current without the voltage sagging, which is a good thing.
If you like how the amplifier colors the sound, that’s also fine, but its the mark of an objectively “worse” amp.
blargh4 t1_ixa89c6 wrote
Reply to Hd650 not loud enough by Hungry_Fail1807
the HD650s are not the most sensitive headphones, so they will quite likely be quieter than whatever you're comparing them to at the same output level, but the magni has way more than enough power to drive them. check all the volume settings along your signal path. the magni also has a gain switch on the back, though I doubt you would need high gain.
blargh4 t1_ixa3c47 wrote
Reply to $500 headphones or $500 IEM? by Untrue_sounds
I think much like speakers vs. headphones, they're just somewhat different animals.
I'm not a fancy IEM guy but I listened to someone else's Blessing2 the other day, and it still sounds like a thing you stick in your ear canal... soundstage, tactility, just not quite the same as a good $300 headphone (even as limited as that is with headphones).
blargh4 t1_iyca5xf wrote
Reply to what features could future amps/dacs have that can make them better than what's available today? by 2ndRoundExit
Not that they don’t exist but it’s absurd how few DACs have a parametric EQ built in.